-Marking and Mating

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Jose's POV

"You marked her?" The twins asked at the same time as their bodies visibly shook from the anger.

They stepped closer and I stood up automatically getting defensive as I am an Alpha and we don't like being challenged. Before I could respond Derek growled and his wings sprouted out of his back. They were long huge liquid black wings that made his every feature look darker. I growled back defensively and didn't back down, Alpha pride is one strong thing.

"She is my mate and I will do what I please with her" Amber cleared her throat and gave me a look.

"If she is ready" I corrected myself and ceased my growling as to not anger my mate again

Suddenly I was flung against the wall as Derek held his hand out towards me. It felt as if there was a restraint against my chest holding me in place and I couldn't move. Both the twins claws had grown and their teeth were elongated and their eyes were shifting from their normal color to a golden yellow of their wolf.

"Our sister is not your toy," Jordan said growling

"She is not to be played with for your entertainment" Jayden Added taking a step forward to put more emphasize behind his words

"She is not some girl you have sex with then leave," Derek said as his eyes flashed from a black to a red that scared the hell out of me

"Our sister is a queen and you will respect her." The twins said in unison

"Hurt her Alpha Jose and the twins and I will gladly make sure you wish you were never born," Derek growled as the twins nodded in agreement

I may be an Alpha but if Derek is anything like his sister he could kill me if he wanted to right now with just the flick of his hand. I nod in agreement as they slowly relaxed and stopped growling. The restraint on my chest loosens and I fall to my feet unharmed with my pride wounded.

I turn to Amber who is smiling at her brothers with so much pride and happiness. Her eyes glaze over and I look at the twins eyes to see theirs are glazed over as well. A couple of seconds after they smile and their eyes go back to normal.

She then looks at Derek and its as if they have their own link. The same thing happens with him as he smiles and returns. She looks at me and nods happily with how the situation was handled.

Amber's POV

"Now that you have had a talk with my mate what did you need?" I asked the twins

"Oh yeah...umm the two rogues have passed the test," Jayden said

"The pack has accepted them and all they need is to join the Pack officially." Jordan finished

"What positions have they chosen within the pack?"

"Dylan has chosen Alpha's direct so he needs approval from you," Jayden said a little skeptical

"Now the girl has not talked to any of us since she got here but she seems really nice from what little actions we can get from her," Jordan said

"Well, she can't join the pack without having a position," I mumbled slightly unpleased with this news

"She's just to shy and I think she's afraid of men," Jordan said

"Why do you say that?" I ask

"Well every time Jordan or I try to talk to her she automatically tries to push herself into the furthest corner away from either one of us. The only one who has actually gotten any kind of speech from her is Maria," Jayden answered

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