-New Members

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"Hey sis when do you plan on leaving?"Jayden asked as he walked into my office followed by Jordan.

"We'll leave as soon as I'm done with all these papers," I responded gesturing to the files on my desk filled with papers for me to look over and sign

"Are they more treaties?" Jordan asked plopping himself on the couch I have in my office

"Yeah it's like everyone wants to be on good terms with us," I said slightly frustrated at the paperwork ahead of me

"Well its either that or they attack and we all know how that ends" Jordan started as he walked to the couch and plopped down next to his brother

"Yeah with their asses getting handed to them" Jayden finished as they broke into laughter and high fived each other

Before I could respond to them my office doors were opened and in darted a little brunette girl also known as Abigail

"Amby I didn't see you come back." She said as she walked up to me

I quickly lifted her up and she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck in a hug

"I'm sorry Abi I have to leave again"

Abigail and her parents were kicked out of their pack because they didn't like violence unless it was necessary.

"But you said you would play with me" she pouted

"Yes and I promise me and my brothers will play with you as soon as we get back from the meeting"

She turned and looked at the twins as if to ask is it true. They both nodded and she turned back to me.

"Pinky promise?" She said as she stuck out her little pinky

"Pinky promise," I said as I intertwined her pinky with mine

I then put her down and she walked around my desk and did the same with the twins.

They both gave her a hug and she squealed when they started tickling her.

"Abigail?Abigail where are you?"

"I'm sorry to bother you Alpha but have.....Abigail, what have I told you about running into the Alphas office?"

"Its okay Diana, she is my god-daughter," I said standing up from my chair and walking towards her.

"I'm sorry Alpha," she said as she bowed in submission.

"Diana I told you to call me Amber your more like family and it annoys the hell out of me. I understand that your old pack was like that and I am sorry I couldn't help you sooner but here you are safe and do not have to fear me." I said taking her hands in mine fit reassurance.

"Thank you Alp.....Amber for everything"

"No need to thank me," I said smiling releasing her hands.

"Mommy! Mommy Amby, Jay-jay, and J promised to play with me when they get back from the meeting" Abi said as she was jumping up and down

Alpha rouges are at the west border. They ask to speak with you. John, Diana's mate, mind-linked me

I will be there shortly John thank you

I cut off the connection and looked at the boys. They simply nodded and left my office.

"Abi I have to go okay I'll see you when I get back," I said picking up the little brunette as we walked out of my office with Diana right behind us.

"Okay but hurry cause my bedtimes 9," she said as I walked down the stairs into the living room.

" I can try," I said smiling at the little girl in my arms.

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