-Questions Part 2

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"Who the hell are you?" I asked for the sixtieth time and just like the last fifty-nine times he only looked at me in sadness and said.

"Why don't you remember?" I could feel the sadness and hopelessness in his voice each time he answered my question.

We have been going back and forth like this for hours. After me and Jose came in here and my warriors made sure he was secured we started questioning him. He complied instantly meaning we did not need to use force or any means of torture.

He won't tell me who he is but seems wounded because I don't remember. He's said he means no harm to me and that he is here to help me. The only reason he attacked me was that he was still in defense mode and he really didn't mean to harm anyone.

He said we were made for each other which only caused a problem between him and my mate. These are the only things we have been able to get out of him and I don't know how much longer I can take of this before I just give in.

"Remember what?" I asked again once again confused to what I was supposed to remember about someone I haven't met before

"You have to remember its the only way I can help you," he said with a pleading voice

"What do I have to remember? Just tell me what I have to remember and then who you are and we can clear this up." I said trying to be sympathetic with him

"I already told you I can't tell you. You have to remember just...just remember your childhood," he said

"My childhood? My childhood was filled with nothing but pain and heartbreak how could remembering that heartbreak possibly remind me of who you are?" I questioned my walls immediately

"Because I am part of your childhood. Apparently a part you forgot," he mumbled the last part once again I could feel how my ignorance hurt him

"Even if I wanted to remember I can't. I had them locked away in my mind where no one not even me can reach them." I said crossing my arms over my chest

"I can help you remember." He said quickly with hope in his eyes

"And how are you gonna do that?" I asked stepping closer to where he was chained only to have two strong arms pulling me back

"I don't like him near you," Jose growled sending tingles down my spine.

I turned around in his arms so I was facing him. I leaned in and whispered to him.

"I can handle myself Mr.Alpha." making him growl and shiver I smiled from the reaction before remembering what we were supposed to be doing. I quickly turned around and nudged his arms. After a couple of seconds, he reluctantly released me. I repeated my steps towards my prisoner and repeated my question.

"how are you gonna do that?"

"The same way you can heal people......I have powers," he said

"Yeah well, how can I trust you when you attacked half of my pack and almost killed my brother." He winced when I mentioned my brother and a flash of emotion flashed across his face. Before I could figure out what it was he recollected his face.

"I already told you I am here to help you. I was made for you and you were made for me."

Jose growled threateningly

"I don't understand. Why can't you just explain ....." he cut me off by saying

"You can feel it can't you?"

I looked at him confused before he let his wings come out. I felt it instantly, it was like a pull and the need for my wings to be freed. The need for him is like the need for something to survive. It's not the same as the mate bond but it's just as strong and it's making me light headed.

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