-Telling Secrets

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After waking up I was determined to find out all I could from Nick about the visiting Alpha, but in order to get anything out of him about werewolves, I had to tell him something in return.

So after doing the crap, I needed to do to get ready for the day, I hurriedly got to my baby and went to school, this time having a reason to go.


A couple minutes later I'm in the school parking lot looking for Nick and avoiding all the usual looks I receive when I get to the parking lot of the school.

I see a black Lamborghini pull up and I instantly know its Nick by how all the girls gather around the car like moths to a flame.

He steps out with that Alpha confidence to him and I head towards him. He sees me and pulls me into a hug as soon as I get within arms reach. He ignored all the other females that gathered around him as if they weren't there.

Many girls had faces of jealousy but I just ignored it cause it didn't bother me one bit. I know what and who I am, so no one else's opinion matters to me really.

"We need to talk," I said as I ended our hug, then headed into the woods with him following behind me with a confused look on his face.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" He asked once we were far enough into the wood where no one could hear us.

"I'm a werewolf," I say getting straight to the point. There was no point in beating around the bush.

He looks surprised at first before he quickly covers it and starts laughing. Immediately my wolf and I get annoyed he might be an Alpha but so are we and Alphas don't like not being taken seriously.

"What's so funny?" I questioned crossing my arms over my chest still not dropping the seriousness in my voice or my face.

"Yo... You think y...your a werewolf" he said in between laughs. He was laughing pretty hard for someone who knows they exist

"I don't think I know," I said with a serious face "and I know your one too," I said uncrossing my arms and taking a step towards him.

He stopped laughing immediately and looked at me skeptically as if pondering whether to believe me

"How do you know I'm a werewolf? " he questions while taking a step towards me

"Cause I'm one too"I replied

"I would have smelled you," he says sniffing the air

"I can cover my scent," I told him while crossing my arms again nonchalantly

"Show me," he says once again skeptical

"Fine," I said

I unmasked my scent and walked up to him until our chests were touching. He leaned in and sniffed me instantly growling and this is exactly why I took him into the woods.

I used my werewolf speed and quickly put distance between us.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me?" He growled as his eyes started switching colors and his wolf was fighting to come out. His Alpha genes felt threaten with another Alpha on his land without his permission.

"I didn't want to have to deal with this or be in a situation where I have to fight an alpha," I said monotone keeping all emotions out as to not anger him more

"What the hell do you think is gonna happen now?" He growled through clenched teeth as his canines slightly grew. He was slowly losing control over his wolf and if I don't calm him down I was going to have to fight him.

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