-A Chance?

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Jose's POV


she's our mate look how amazing our mate is. My wolf corrected me.

Yeah and look how much she doesn't need us I said realizing she did it all by herself

She does need us there is one thing she will not be able to handle without us

What are you talking about? I asked completely clueless.


"Alpha Jose?" Nick said bringing me out of my conversation with my wolf.

"Huh? What?" I said completely forgetting where I was for a second

"Are you going to go get her or what?" He said gesturing to the door she just walked out of.

I didn't think twice I used my wolf's speed and rushed out the office down the stairs and into the yard outside. Following her scent made it easy to find her.

I spotted her with her brothers before they shifted and turned to her for her to shift.

I quickly called out for her, she stopped but didn't turn around. I called out again this time closer to her and she turned finally acknowledging me.

Her brothers went on either side of her both of them slightly hunched down and growling lightly at me ready to attack if she said the word.

Not paying attention to them I focused on her, I plead with my eyes that she would hear me out. She must have said something they didn't like because suddenly both of their heads snapped to her so fast I thought they had whiplash. I was so confused as to what she could have said to make them react like that.

They stared at her for a while probably debating on what she said before eventually they growled but retreated unwillingly into the woods.

She looked at me and said

"Well... what did you need Alpha Jose?"

I growled lowly as she once again called me Alpha. My wolf wouldn't mind her calling us Alpha in a different circumstance where it wouldn't be used so formally but I can't think about that right now.

"I wanted to explain what happened. It's not what it looked like...well it was kinda but not entirely.... okay I am just going to come right out and tell you. My father, when I turned eighteen he threw a party which was supposed to be for my beta who found his mate but my father invited every pack around us so I could find my mate. After I mentioned the possibility of my mate not being there he said I would then have to choose a female to rule beside me. After getting angry and trashing his office I thought I got my point across that I would not replace my mate."I looked at her for her reaction but she showed none, so I continued.

"He said that if I did not have an alpha female next to me then I would not be able to take the title of Alpha. I agreed to his plan because the only person I ever want to rule next to me would be my mate, you. So after agreeing with him, I went to the party with an open mind and heart that I would actually find you. I met every female there and none of them were my mate. Some were really clingy and wanted to follow me everywhere I went. Some females left me alone once they found out I was not their mate, they were looking for their mate and only them. There was one female, in particular, her name was Brooke, she was always right beside me no matter where I went. Every time I tried to escape from her she would always make sure I was in her line of sight. After a while of me trying to avoid her, she brought me a drink and said if I drink that one drink then she would leave me alone. I basically shoved the drink down my throat, I mean I never thought about what she could have put in it. I was the most powerful Alpha in the world I never thought she would be able to do that, or that anyone would even attempt to do that."

Fuck Off (COMPLETE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora