sports festival part 4

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We were all paired up, and i was first up against mina. Ayoma and a few other people decided they didnt want to fight since they didnt remember anything from the Calvary battle, and miss. midnight allowed it, not really caring, but was confused. she just shrugged it off, and let it be. me and mina were third while izuku and shinso were up first. they fight was over in about 5 minutes, izuku being the winner, but he broke two of his fingers. then was sero and todoroki, and that was over in about 10 seconds. sero was trapped in ice, but todoroki was nice enough to free him. we went on lunch while we waited for the ice to clear.

it was a lunch break, and i was sitting with kirshima, denki, mina, sero and bakugou. bokugou was minding his own business, and not really paying attention to what we were doing, while me, and the others just joked around, with each other, quoting vines and memed and just overall having a good time. we just were having fun and trying to get him to join in with our shenanigans', but he refused. a dark joke popped into my head, and i started chuckling.

"whats so funny y/n?" denki asked.

"im sorry a dark joke just popped into my head."

"lets hear it!" sero said.

"okay! what do you call a man with a shovel in his head?" i waited to see if anyone had a guess. nobody did. "an ambulance, immediately." everyone started laughing, and to our surprise bakugou slammed his fist on the table laughing. at least he didnt break it. well, it seems like you have a sence of humor after all.

next up was denki and some girl with vines for hair. this would be interesting. she was in neitos class. what was her name again? i think it was shiozaki? yeah shiozaki! i laughed slightly when denki tried to ask her out, but failed. i admit though, shes cute, and very strong. denki lost, but he made her laugh. but i dont think shes going out with him any time soon. Denki was all derp after the battle, but managed to get back to normal after a while. well he said it would be over in 2 seconds.

"Well e was right! it really was over in 2 seconds! i wonder if his real quirk is telling the future! hey isnt class 1-a supposed to be soo much better than us?" he starts laughing, and i jump up and smack his head, and a girl comes and knocks him out.

"sorry about him."

"oh no worries, i know neito. hes always been like this." i say to the girl.

"how long?"

"since we were 3 really." i say. 

"yeesh, i feel bad for you!"

"hes never like it towards me unless we get into a fight. and that isnt common." i say with a smile.

"didnt know he could be nice to someone."

"yeah. anyways im y/n l/n! its nice to meet you! whats your name?"

"im itsuka kendo. its nice to meet you too."

"good luck with him. if you want i can help."

"no, but thanks, i got him. anyways sorry again!"

"have a nice day!" i said with another smile.

"you too y/n." izuku was muttering to himself again. 

"izuku!" i said getting his attention.


"you were muttering again..."

"oh! s-sorry y/n! sometimes i dont realize im talking out loud when im taking notes. its not every day i get to see incredible qurks from people outside out class." i giggle, and so dose uraraka. 

"yeah i get it. just try to work on that."

"actually ive been taking notes on everyone in our class too! heres what ive got on your copy, and uraraka, heres what ive got on your 0 gravity!"

"that definitely not creepy." i say sarcastically

"you know deku, ive always known you were amazing. you've got so much drive and focus! and the sports festival is reminding me of that." it was the 4th match. iida, and some girl from the support course. i think her name is mei hatsume. iida was putting on some weird gear, and at first it wasent allowed, but ended up being allowed to keep the gear on. iida them became a human ad for meis babies. this lasted for about ten minutes, before she walked out of the ring, giving iida the victory.

then it was me and mina. "its the girl whos short, and shy, ITS Y/N FROM THE HERO COURSE!" the crowd went wild, and present mic introduced mina with "is there some kind of purpose for those thing sticking out of her head? from the same class, MINA ASIDO!"

"this is going to be a piece of cake!" 

"the only question is for who its gonna be for?" i said. the battle started. mina came at me, sliding on her acid, but i dodged, and decided to float using urarakas 0 gravity. i went and dropped down behind mina, and ran at her, shoving her out of the ring. it was all over in about a minute. 

"Y/N WINS!" midnight yelled, and i sighed. 

"that was good mina! you actually almost got me with your acid!"

"how are you so good at controlling all those quirks?"

"practice. i train with all of them as much as possible, so i can use them well." i said as we started back to our seats to watch the next match. 

"do you fight people?"

"kinda... i mean, i train against my cousin, and the two of us are close. my brother cant fight, since he can only use a seeing eye quirk, but he cant defend well. but i also fight bakugou and kiri. they arent ones to throw the fight just because im  girl, so its good training. also my neighbour across the street too. ive been fighting him since i was 5."

"wow. who usualy wins?"

"i do. i usualy have them in some sort of position where im either threatening to cut a vital vein, or break a bone. ive done the last one once or twice. the vital vein, people see in dead serious, but i would call a hospital after. but they usually surrender after that one."

"damn! your brutal! why didnt you go all out for me?"

"if im being honest, i was scared."


"yeah, your like the sister i never had. i didnt want to hurt you. plus i was thinking of usind exploshions, but i didnt want to ruin your clothes since there are perves in the croud."

"thanks... but next time, dont hold back!" i laugh a little.

"okay. i wont."

why you? (bakugou x female reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now