sports festival part 2

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Y/n pov
Miss. Midnight stepped back onto stage after i got down. (Bakugou was already off the stage.) She held up a whip and said " we'll have a special challenge for the first round! Spin the wheel boys!" She yelled out. The wheel behind het began to spin and landed on one thing.

An obstacle course...

We were told the rules of the course. Don't leave. We were allowed to use our quirks freely, as long as we don't hurt others. We were soon ushered to a narrow doorway. I looked around. With all 11 classes, it was gonna be a tight squeeze. So this is the first obstacle. Interesting. With a countdown from 3, the doors opened, and students hurried inside. After a few seconds of being shoved around, the air started to get colder. Almost like a freezer...


I jumped. Just in time too. The ground under my feet froze over. I had entered expected this. I used the high-jump quirk, and jumped above People, landing in small clearings and within 2 seconds, got out. I had been training with all the quirks i had gained, and kept to get better control over them. Im glad it paid off. I saw that all of my classmates had made it too, along with a few other students. But class 1-a had a solid lead. The ice was slowing us down a bit though. And i couldn't get a solid jump in with the ice everywhere. An idea came to mind. I used todorokis fire side to warm up the ice. It soon melted and i used a high jump quirk along with a power boosting quirk at 5% to jump over the ice. I managed to get to the next part. I was now in the lead. I didnt want to be, cuz all eyes would be on me. But i kept going. It was a crazy cliff zone. I knew my high jump quirk would come in handy, but i needed to estamate quickly.

How much power should i use...

By the time i decided on 3% todoroki and bakugou were right behind me. I jumped. I felt like i was soaring. Time felt as it came to a standstill. If i fell, i fell to my death. But i managed. I landed on a cliff. Albeit roughly, with a few tumbles, but still. Todoroki was now ahead of me, bakugou right behind me. I jumped again, and again, untill i reached the end, tumbling a few times along the way. I was in 3rd place. I was happy there. A little bit of attention, but not nearly as much as todoroki and bakugou. I ran after them. And stopped dead in my tracks.

A minefield.


According to present mic, they werent string enough to kill you, but could make you wet your pants. Okay. I got this. It was easy to tell were they were but i still needed to be careful. I walked through it semi-casually, walking a bit slower than normally, with my eyes on the ground, like they usually were. And then i heard a loud exploshion. I looked behind me and saw... Izuku?! He was using a peice of the robots from earlier that u saw while i jumped over them, and was using them to soar over the minefield. It was pretty ingenious. But no time to admire that. I had to run! I used a speed quirk to run, setting off the minefields as i went by, but i wasent caught in the exploshions. Bakugou and todoroki were also speeding ahead. Izuku was starting to come down and bakugou and todoroki were neck and neck. And then something unexpected happened and i slowed down a bit.

Izuku used the peice of robot he was soaring with, planted his feet on their backs, and slammed it down, givung him the boost he needed. I was slightly ahead now, and he shot past me like a bullet getting first place. I ran as fast as i could, and got seccond, bakugou in 3rd and todoroki in 4th. I was exaushted, but there was still more to go.

This was only the beginning...

why you? (bakugou x female reader) DISCONTINUEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant