due date

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We met up everyday at my place to work on the project. We agreed to go for a slideshow presentation. All was going good when bakugou suddenly decided to ask questions about the chorus.
"So you were in a chorus for 3 years... Did you like it?"
"Huh? Why are you asking?"
"I'm just curious."
"Okay... And I guess I liked it..."
"What do you mean you guess you liked it?"
"Well I was always bullied for my voice. And everyone yelled at me constantly for being loud, off pitch, or doing something else like singing the wrong line or my voice cracking."
"How could they be mad at you for that?"
"It ruined the sound..."
"Is that why you stopped?"
"Yeah. You would too after 3 years of being yelled at everyday for things you can't control. It got to the point I just lip synced the words."
"Damn... Hey if you don't mind me asking, when's the last time you sang?"
"Well I sing to myself a lot still but it's been about a year since I sang in front of someone who's not family."
"Hmm... Hey I got a bet."
"What is it bakugou?"
"If we get anything less than an A of this project, you have to sing for me. If we get an A then I'll stop bothering you about this. Deal?"
"Why would you even want to hear me sing?"
"I'm curious. Your mom says your good at it, so I wanna see if she's right, or just bluffing."
"O-okay. It's a deal."
We shook hands and we got back to work on our project. We had been working on it for 6 days. It was due the next day, and we managed to get it done. I was surprised how well we worked together. The next day, we had to present it. "H-hey can I just take care of ch-changing the slides? I'm not s-so good at talking in front of large crowds." He agreed and we presented the project. In the end we got an A+. Thank God! Now I don't have to sing! Bakugou seemed a bit mad at that, but a deals a deal. He stopped bothering me about the chorus days, and I didn't have to sing. It was a win-win for me.
"Tch. Fine you won. I won't bother you about that anymore."

Sorry for the short chapter. Bit of writer's block going on! Next one will be more interesting! Promise!

Edited 7 04 20 also counting the authors note this chapter was 420 words! Lol!

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