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We got off the bus, and saw none other than 13, the space hero. They welcomed us inside and began explaining things. Izuku was in full on fanboy mode, and it was hilarious! Something caught my attention while 13 was talking about how our quirks, if not used right could kill others. But I was more focused on a purple colud forming in the main center...
"Hey guys?" I said gaining everyone's attention. "What's that?" I said pointing to the cloud. A man with light blue hair and a bunch of hands stepped out with a bird man. A lot of other people stepped out a second later.
"Is this part of the training?" Kiri asked mr. Aizawa.
"13 aren't their sencers? How did the villians get in?" Momo asked.
"Good question. Not sure. Kaminari!"
"Use your quirk to contact the school." A few seconds later he replied with,
"No use. One of the villians must have a quirk that's blocking the signal." Everyone was understandingly, terrified. I mean come on who wouldent be in this situation. "13 PROTECT THE KIDS!" Mr. aizawa put on his goggles and started walking towards the villains when izuku walked up to him.
"Wait! Are you gonna be okay? Even with your quirk, your better suited for stealth missions!"
"Your not a pro if you only have one fighting style kid." He said as he jumped into the action.

"Come on! Let's get out of here! We have to get the other pros!" I yelled, and we all started to run twords the doors. We we're almost there when a bunch of purple smoke blocked the entrance.
"Hello children. We are the league of villians. We know it's impolite, but we decided to barge in."
"Well at least he's got manners." I said sarcastically. Everyone turned around and was looking at me like 'really?' "what? Excuse me for trying to lighten the mood a bit!" Everyone rolled their eyes. 
"After all..." He paused before saying something that chilled all of us to the bones.

"What is a better place for all might to take his last breath?"

We are all shocked. And let me say, I was NOT about to use sarcasm right now. No amount could lighten the mood now. 13 yelled at all of us to get back, but bakugou and kiri did the exact opposite and tried to attack. They failed. What's more 13 couldn't suck up the villians while those two knuckleheads were in front of him. Suddenly, we were surrounded by purple mist. I could feel myself being lifted off the ground. The next thing I know I'm standing in a very unstable building. I saw that bakugou and kirishima were here too. "Where are we?"

"(Y/N)! I think we're in the collapse zone!" Kiri told me.
"What the fuck was with that thing you said shortie!" Bakugou yelled at me.
"Well I'm sorry! I was trying to make a joke!"
"Ugh. All that sarcasm is gonna get you killed."
"And why should you care? Honestly I'm 100% sure my death will be caused by me being sarcastic at the wrong time. And my last words are most likely gonna be, 'well shit that didn't work.'" He scoffed at me and kirishima spoke up.
"Yeah kiri?"
"I don't think we're alone..."

We were finishing up with the villians that were attacking us. "What is our next move gonna be?"
"I'm going for that misty bitch."
"Bakubro! Don't be stupid! Our physical attacks did nothing to him! Besides what about everyone else?"
"Kiri wait! He has a point. He's their escape route. If he gets taken out, then they're stuck here. Think about it logically. He can't use his quirk while he's knocked out, so if we can do that much, their all stuck."
"EXACTLY! at least SOMEONE isn't a complete idiot! Besides!" He said as a camouflaged lizard guy tried to attack him, and he blew up his head. "If everyone else is as weak as these guys, then everyone is gonna be fine."

"Wait." Kiri said "did you just complement our classmates?"
"Wow. Since when are you nice?" I asked.
"And since when are you all calm and rational? Usually your all like..."
"DIE DIE DIEE!" I said while immitating bakugou, with explosions coming from my hands with each word.
"EXACTLY!" kiri yelled while pointing at me.
"Yeah! There you are!"
"mhm. Oh yeah I'm SO sure that you are calm and rational bakugou." I said in a sarcastic tone.
"Hold up..." Bakugou said as if he was processing something "SHORTIE WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU COPY MY DAMN QUIRK?!"
"first day of school. I guess this is the first time I've used it in front of you. Oh and just so you know, I'm never telling how it works. Anyways we should probably go and try to get out of here, and meet up with everyone else. You coming guys?" I said while I started to walk away.

why you? (bakugou x female reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now