day of the exams.

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It was early in the morning, on the day of the entrance exams. You were soundly asleep, when your mother calls "(Y/N)!! WAKE UP! ITS THE DAY OF THE ENTRANCE EXAMS!" And you roll out of bed from the sudden yelling scaring you. After a few seconds of catching your breath from being scared shitless you yelled in response "IM UP MOM!" And you looked at your clock. The exams start at 7. It was currently 6. You got up off the floor, and took a quick shower, and brushed and blow-dried you (h/l) (h/c) hair, and then brushed your teeth. After you put on a white long sleeved shirt and some (f/c) jeans.  You grabbed a hair tie, ( ignore if you have short hair.) and put on some socks. You put your hair up in a ponytail and grabbed your glasses. Don't want to be blind during this! You thought to yourself. And you went down to grab some food. "You exited?" Asked your mom. "You know it!" You replied as you grabbed some toast. You stuffed it in your mouth and put on your sneakers. You grabbed your bag, Wich you were glad you packed the night before with some (f/c) leggings and a black tee shirt. Your dogs were exited thinking they were getting a walk. Especially your Sadie baby. "No fur babies, we're not going out." You said with your toast now in hand. You opened the door and slipped out with a quick 'bye' to your mom. Your dad went to work early this morning so it was just the two of you, since your brother was at college. You walked to the school eating your toast. You lived 5 minutes from the school. It was currently 6:50. You had plenty of time to get there. You finished your breakfast within a minute and started to wonder what the test would be like.  Eager to find out, you started to run. You made it there by 6:53. That was quicker than I thought it would be. You thought to yourself. And you went inside the school.

You went to the room were new students were told to meet, and sat down in the back, since you weren't particularly fond of people sitting behind you. You were just more comfortable in the back. As more students started to file in, you were glad you came a bit early so you didn't have to awkwardly ask a random person if they minded you sitting next to them. A boy with shark teeth, red eyes, and black hair came up to you after a few minutes. "Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" You looked up at him and said "no not at all!" With a small smile as he sat down next to you. "What's your name?" You asked the boy sitting next to you. " I'm eijiro kirishima. What's your name?" Kirishima asked you. (If you remember his natural hair is black.) "Oh, i-its (y/n) (l/n). Nice to meet you." I said holding out my hand, and he took it, shaking my hand. I wonder what his quirk is... You wondered to yourself as you copied it. If it wasent useful, you could just delete it later.

Your pov:
Just as you two started a conversation  present mic started yelling. "HEEEELLLLOOO BOYS AND GIRLS, AND YOU NON-BINARY FALLAS!! ARE YOU READY FOR THIS? IF YOU ARE MAKE SOME NOISE!" Everyone was quiet. I swear to God you could hear a pin drop. "Okay keeping it mellow I get it." And he went on to explain the rules and how everything was going to go down. And after a minute a hand shot up and a boy with blue hair a few rows ahead of us stood up. A spotlight  shone on him. "Hey contestant 7111 thanks for calling in! What's your question?" Present mic said loudly. Not quite yelling but not quite speaking either. " Yes, you did that there are 3 villains when on the brochure it says 4. If this is a error this is unacceptable for the most prestigious hero school in Japan! And you!" He said pointing to a boy with unruly green hair "m-me?" Said the boy shakily as a light shine on him. "Yes you! You have been muttering to yourself the entire time! It's destructing everyone else! Please stop it!" He said chopping his arm like a robot. "I-i'm so s-sorry!" He said covering his mouth, and I swear I heard a scoff from the boy next to him. I cleared my throat loudly. Attention on me I now spoke. I stood up, slamming my hands in the desk, and said,
"You do realize this is a VERY big test. He's probably scared out of his mind! So I suggest, since he isn't really bothering you, and is minding his own fucking business, you do the same. He's probably just trying to ease his nerves. So how about you take that food for thought, sit your ass back down, mind your own shit, and have a nice fucking day. How about you do that, instead of calling soomeone out in front of a large crowd of people and embarrassing him like that, since I'm SURE you don't like it any more than he dose. What your doing is harrasing him, and that's not something a hero would do. And before you come at me for being a hypocrite, I'm sticking up for the dude, Wich IS something a hero would do." With that he apologized and sat back down. I sat down too and continued to listen.

"THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THIS TO MY ATTENTION CONTESTANT 7111!" Mic yelled again. I covered my ears since the man yells so loud. And the last thing I need is bleeding ears. " Yes there are 4 villains but the last one is worth 0 points. It's just an obstacle. While it can be defeated, There's no point in beating it." And then he just said the school motto. He waited a minute for us to respond, but again the room was deathly silent. After a minute he let us go to get changed and go to our area. "Hey kirishima I never got to ask, what's your quirk?" I asked as we got our things together.
"Oh it's hardening! I can make my body as hard as rock!"
"That's so cool!"
"What's yours?"
"Oh, umm... It's very complicated but long story short, my quirk is copy... But I can't tell you how it works right now..."
"Woah! That's epic!"
"T-th-thanks... Um... What area are you in?" I asked him.
"I'm in section D. What about you?"
"Aww man, I'm in section A."
"Well I'm Sure with your quirk you'll get in."
"I'm sure you will too!" And we went our separate ways. I went to the bathroom to change my clothes. Then immediately went to my area.

~timeskip to after the exam cuz I'm lazy~

After the exams I walked around the school a bit so I wouldn't get lost if I got in. And while walking I saw a familiar boy. "HEY KIRISHIMA!" I yelled to get his attention. He turned around and I saw a big smile spread across his face.
"HEY (Y/N)!" He yelled as I ran up to him.
"How do you think you did?" I asked him
"I think I did okay. At least good enough to pass. You?"
"I... I'm not sure."
"Ah I'm sure you did great! Your quirks super manly!"
"Aw thanks kirishima!"
"Hey is it okay if I get your number?" "Hm? Oh sure! Hand me your phone and I'll put it in."
"Okay sure thing!" He said handing me his phone. I put in my number. I gave it back after saving my name and number in his contacts.
"Hey thanks (y/n)"
"no problem kirishima! Anyways I gotta get home. I hope I see you at school!"
"Yeah me too!" He said to me before I left for home.

~at home~

As soon as I stepped through the door, I was met with the fur babies jumping up on me, and a lot of barking. "Yes yes I'm home, now stop!" I said while plopping my bag down by the door and taking my shoes off. "Hey sweetie, how do you think you did?" Asked my mom as she came out of the kitchen. "Eh, I think I did okay. what's for lunch?"
"Just make a sandwich or something for yourself. I've been working all day. And I just got dinner in the oven. It's gonna be a while before it's done."
"Okay mom!" I said as I walked in the kitchen and grabbed (favorite/snack) and then ate it while going upstairs to shower and change out of my sweaty clothes. After I got dressed I plopped down on my bed, exhausted, and a certain little Sadie pest wandered in since I keep my door open a bit for her. She saw me on the bed and charged and jumped up and started giving kissed while I squealed trying to get her to stop. Once I did I laughed and gave her some kisses on her little head. Then I got a text. I checked who it was from. An unknown number? Who?
(Bold is kirishima. Italic is you.)
Hey it's me, kirishima!
Oh, hey kiri, what's up?
Nothing really. Wby?
Cuddling with my doggo
Do you wanna see her?
Hell yeah!
*(Y/n) has sent a picture*

 Wby?Cuddling with my doggo Doggo? Do you wanna see her?Hell yeah! *(Y/n) has sent a picture*

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Omg she's so cute 😍
She is!
I hear my mom calling for me saying that dinners ready. I tell her that I'm coming, and I have to end the conversation with kiri.
I gtg. Dinners done.
Oh okay then. Bye!
Bye kiri!
I save his number in my contacts and go and eat dinner. I keep wondering the same question to myself...

Did I get in?

(Edited 7/04/20)

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