the confrontation

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The next day I asked izuku to meet me on the roof during lunch. He agreed and I waited for lunch to arrive. As soon as it did I ran up to the roof. I activated my quirk to see izuku talking to all might.
"A-ALL MIGHT? WHAT ARE-" he got cut off. All might pulled out a little bento box and asked
"Join me for lunch?"
"I'm so sorry all might but I have to meet with (y/n) on the roof. She wants to talk to me about something, and by the time in her voice it sounded urgent."
"All right. Tomorrow then?"
"Yeah sure!" And he walked away. I wonder what (y/n) wants to talk to me about. It sounded really important to her. I really hope she's not onto me about my quirk... No! I'm sure I'm fine!
He arrived at the roof and I turned around to face him.
"S-so what did you want t-to talk to me about (y/n)?"
"Okay. I need you to be completely honest, and not run away. Promise me that, then we can talk."
"Just do it! Please izuku!"
"O-okay! I promise I won't run away."
"Okay. So this has to do with my quirk, and yours too. I have a couple more quirks people don't know about."
"yes. I have a mind reading quirk so if you lie to me about this, I WILL know, and a 'seeing eye' quirk. Long explanation short, if I know somebody's name I can watch them for 15 minutes minimum. Also I can know what they are thinking. And yesterday when I heard you went after bakugou, I decided to watch you to make sure you'd be okay. And you were talking about a borrowed quirk you gained recently..." I saw he was nurvouse, and was sweating a lot. "And then all might was talking to you about the importance of bakugou not believing he gave you his quirk. And I know it may seem obvious now, but you got your quirk from all might... Didn't you?"
He nodded. He looked surprised that I was able to see and hear it all. "Please dont tell anyone about how I got my quirk! It's not something people are really supposed to know!"
"Don't worry izuku! I won't tell anyone! But I have to ask..."
"What is it?"
"How did he transfer his power to you?"
"O-oh I umm had to... Eat his hair..."
I was trying so hard to contain a laugh. He took one look at my face and said "you can go ahead and laugh..."
At this I burst out laughing "hahahahhahhahahahhahahhahah! Oh get this, gouku: grows hair for power. Saitama: loses hair for power. Izuku: eats hair for power! Oh my God hahahahahahaha!" At this he started laughing too. After we calmed down a bit I asked, "were you really quirkless before all might have you his power?"
"Well hey, there's nothing wrong with that. We we're all quirkless at one point before our quirks developed. So if someone cares, then they're just insecure about their own quirk. Not all quirkless are weak. Some are just as strong as someone with a quirk!"
"Huh. I never thought about it that way. Thanks (y/n)!"
"Anytime!" We chatted for a bit longer before we had to go back to class. It was an interesting conversation.

Edited 7 05 20

why you? (bakugou x female reader) DISCONTINUEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora