group project

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A day later we are assigned a project with one other person about the world quirk war. Mr. aizawa was calling pairs when he called out "(l/n) and bakugou."
"Who the hell is (l/n)?"
"Shortie? Why the hell am I partnered with her?!"
"You know, I should be asking why I'm paired with an asshole." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.
"You know, I should be asking why I'm paired with an asshole." I said louder.
"Mabye I do, mabye I don't. Who knows! I sure as hell don't!"
The entire class was quiet and looking at me. After what felt like forever, but was probably only 10 seconds, Mr aizawa continued to call out the pairs. The project was due in a week.

~time skip brought to you by miydoriya's broken bones~

It was after school and bakugou came up to me. "Hey shortie."
"Oh hey bakugou! What's up?"
"I'm coming to your place to work on the project."
"Kay. Do you wanna go home and change out of your school uniform first, or do you wanna go straight to my place?"
"I was gonna change first. Give me your phone."
"I already have your number." I told him.
"Oh... Yeah right. Text me your address. I'll be there at 4."
"We're neighbors. I litteraly live in the house to your left..."
"Huh? Really?"
"Yeah. I saw on the first day of school. Anyways, I better get going. Later!" I started to walk away and then I stopped remembering something. "Oh heads up, wear long pants! And you might want to wear long sleeves too."
"Just trust me, your probably gonna want to."
"Tch. Whatever."
And with that I went home.
"Hey mom, I'm having a classmate over for a project. He's coming over at 4."
"All right. Just make sure the dogs don't go too crazy. You know how they are with new people."
"Yeah. I know." I went to change my clothes, got everything we needed for research, and then Chilled in the living room playing games on my phone. I heard a knock on the door and the dogs went wild. "One minute!" I called as I got the dogs a bit under control.

Bakugou's POV

So shortie lives right next to me. Who knew? Since she lived right next to me so I could get there in basically no time at all. I decided to go with sweat pants, takeing her advice. I didn't know why she said to wear long pants, but I went for it. I walked over to her house and knocked on the front door. As soon as I did I heard a lot, and I mean A LOT of barking. I heard about 3 different dogs all barking and howling. What the hell? And I heard a girls voice say "One minute!" A few seconds later she opened the door, a dog in hand by his harness. He was pretty big. Long fur, very fluffy. Black, white, and grey. He seemed to be the loudest. "Im so sorry. Come on in!" She said and when I did I saw two more dogs. A white and brown one, and  mostly black one. They were howling and barking at me too. I looked at her with a very confused look on my face. And what's more they were jumping on me. That explains why she said to wear long pants... "Im sorry, let me get them outside." I followed her and she blocked the little black one with her leg as she put the big one on a leash. She then grabbed the smaller one by the harness, and put him on a leash too before closing the door. She looked back and saw the white one on the couch. "Sadie! I thought you went outside!"
"Hey it's fine. He can stay inside. He dosent seem like much trouble." She looked me dead in the eye and said
"Thats a girl..."
"Huh?" She walked over and picked the little dog up and showed me the dogs stomach. Sure enough it was indeed a girl. "How many dogs do you have?"
"3. Zelda, the big one I had to grab. She's the oldest. Sadie, the smallest but shes the middle pup, and Jedi. He's the small black one. So we have two girls and one boy." I looked at her with a face that said 'why though?' "you see why I told you to wear long pants? They always jump up. We have tried training them not to for as long as we've had them."
"Yeah I can see that."
"Trust me though. If you didn't wear long pants your legs would be COVERED in scratches."
"For once, I'm glad I listened to someone."
"Anyways should we get started on the project?"
"Whatever shortie." I said ruffling her hair. Omg why did I do that! Her hairs so soft though... AHH NO STOP IT KATSUKI! And with that we started the project.

why you? (bakugou x female reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now