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I wrote you this note – I wrote about how much I love you and how wonderful you are. It's mainly about how you changed me and gave me hope sometimes. I spoke about how I had nothing until I met you really, it's somewhat cheesy, but even then I had only you and nothing else.

I wrote you this note – I wrote about how I've been sad. I mentioned how you didn't really know what you were getting yourself into until it was too late. It says how for a long while you didn't even know I was depressed.

I wrote you this note – I wrote about the things that visit me at night. It gets strange towards the end. I talked about how numb and motionless I become when my heart freezes in those moments.

I wrote you this note – I wrote about how the pain has been getting unbearable again. It has a lot about how I can't see light anymore because everything's cast in shadow again. I revealed how the thunder has been getting to me more than usual.

I wrote you this note – I wrote about how little I seem to care. There's this paragraph about how I sit in the dark I used to be terrified of, just staring ahead, emotionless. I referred to ghosts when describing how empty and unreal I'd been feeling.

I wrote you this note – I wrote about how dark my blood looks. It's a little morbid, but it includes the way it flows so smoothly. I put a side note in about how I don't feel anything anymore and had to test how far that numbness went.

I'm writing you this note – it's about how I'm not really me anymore. Mostly it's to ready you for what comes next. I think I'll add a goodbye in the final part.

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