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Forgive me father for I have sinned,
Damnit I've sinned all my life, can't you see?
Of course you can.
Know-all, see-all, love-all.
Love-all? Pft.
I beg to differ.
Do you love all?
No, I didn't think so, me either.
Fuck me, I'll be damned if ever I love all. Love anything at all, really.
To be loved, you say? Shit fuck, no.
To be loved is the worst of the worst (huh I thought that was me) and fucking fuckity fuck off if you think I'd let myself be loved. (Not that it is possible for anyone or thing to love me.)
Hate-all? Now that sounds like my kind of thing.
(Is hate a variation of love?)
Maybe we can hate all together?
Yes? ...No?
Sorry, is that too close to loving?
I didn't realise, I was getting so caught up in hating all things.
I think I became so in love with hating everything with you.
(So, I guess it really is a variation of love.)
Well I'll make sure to hate you too, then we can hate together in hate over things that in turn hate us, and we will hurt with our hate and be hurt by our hate and hate our hurt, but know that we deserve to be hurt but we cannot love our hurt because we only hate, so we will hate our hurt with so much hate that's so familiar in our hearts.

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