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(When I don't smile at you or tell you I love you I promise it's not you. I can't. I just c a n ' t, okay? I want to, believe me I want to.It's like being a dead fucking corpse. I'm here, in the flesh, with skin slowly growing cold. And my face, damn my face is so stiff. It can't move. My lips can't form the words you want to hear. And my head's just blankness. I can't see. I look at you and I see n o t h i n g. I'm sorry. Because half the time I don't even recognise you. Do you understand? Do you understand?!?! This isn't how I want it to be. Do you know how ashamed I am to have to admit these things to myself? Fuck, you'll never know this. I can't tell you this. You'll hate me too much. You already fucking hate me enough.)
Sorry I'm just tired, busy day.

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