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Midoriya's first memory after the battle was waking up in the hospital, and it took him quite a while to process the situation.

He'd been knocked out at some time throughout the battle, he couldn't recall when though, and no one else simply couldn't say. It was confusing, his mind was blurry for a long time, but the agitation brought by the desire to understand what had really happened cleared his mind for long enough for him to understand what he was told.

All for One had lost, but All Might had lost his quirk, supposedly as a result of old age and the inability for him to control his quirk, considering it took the physical ability he no longer had. All for One was sent to prison, and All Might was sent off the billboards, labeled a life-long hero as he retired whilst All for One was labeled as an infamous villain who had almost rivaled All Might.

Midoriya wasn't sure how to feel about it. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do now. He had lost his mother, but then he had his father, a new family to go to. Now, Midoriya lost his father too, and he had no one to go to anymore. Midoriya couldn't tell anyone about it, either, considering...well, what was he going to say? My father was actually All for One, and since he's in Tartarus now, can you please not give out mine and his identity and find another family to put me into? It was impossible, and the realization was horrifying.

Midoriya didn't know what he should do. All he could do was wish that this would be resolved, quickly and easily in some miraculous way of luck, and that this nightmare would end. But this nightmare was his life now. He didn't know what to do, but a certain idea flashed across his mind, and without thinking, he quickly snatched his phone and turned in on.

Midoriya decided to call Matsui. She was one of the closest people he had at that moment, and if he could talk to her, he knew he would feel better. She wouldn't ask too many questions if Midoriya told her he couldn't say, and she was sure to be supportive even without knowing the full context.

Having said that, despite his desire to talk to her, the moment she picked up, Midoriya went completely silent. His throat clenched up, his nose stung, and his jaw shook as his mouth hung slightly agape, wanting to say something but unable to do so. His whole body went rigid, and he felt frozen in place.

"Izuku? Are you there? Did you call me by accident?" Matsui questioned, humming to herself contemplatively, as if not really expecting Midoriya to respond. Midoriya's breath hitched, his breath and body both shaking, and she must've heard that, because she continued, "Izuku, was that you? Hey, are you alright?"

"I–" Midoriya's voice cracked and he pursed his lips, clutching at his phone tightly as he shut his eyes tightly. Couldn't Recovery Girl have given him a bigger doze? The pain of the after-effect of his quirk and his wounds were coming back, and the more pain he felt, the clearer his mind became as the pain brought him back to life.

However, the clearer his mind became, the more clear the image of All for One became in his mind. He finally realized the difference between the man he knew as his father, the man he knew as Hisashi Midoriya, and the villain that was known for centuries as All for One. He wished he didn't. He wished he never had to see that. Why couldn't All for One have just remained behind the scenes, remained the friendly father Midoriya knew him as? He would never see him in the same way.

The thought of his father brought him fear.

"Hey, Izuku, I heard what happened." Matsui started slowly. Midoriya realized that Matsui was taking a gamble by speaking to him while not knowing if he was really listening, and he appreciated it beyond belief. Despite wanting to tell her that, he simply listened to her quietly, soothed by her voice. "I'm terribly sorry you had to go through that. It must've been...horrible, really, there's no other way to describe it."

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