Wicked Truth and Tough Choice

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It's been a month.

It's been a month since Midoriya was welcomed into the house, and surprisingly, everything was going fairly smoothly.

Tomura was distant for a while, but soon, their time-to-time chess games turned into two to three hour long gaming sessions of games Midoriya had once heard from his classmates. Eventually, Tomura opened up a lot more, starting to rant and complain about his life and a certain person in particular—Kurogiri. However, up to this moment, Midoriya had never questioned who this Kurogiri man was. Midoriya decided to risk it and finally ask him about it.

"Hey, Tomura?" Midoriya called out hesitantly as Tomura took a bite of Midoriya's milk bread. He'd started cooking some pastries for him, and that had definitely sped up their friendship.

"Hm?" He answered fruitlessly. Midoriya shifted on the spot, unsure how to ask so that he wouldn't annoy Tomura and get kicked out of the room.

"Who is this Kurogiri guy? I mean, how does he connect to the family? You seem pretty close, and he seems like some sort of a parental figure that you are forced to listen to...so I was wondering..."

"I'll tell him you asked. He'll explain it to you." Tomura excused, taking another bite of the bread. Midoriya pursed his lips as he stared at Tomura, unsure what to make of what he said.

First off, he still found it strange how much Tomura was avoiding calling Hisashi by his name or as 'father'. Second off, why couldn't he just tell him now? Was this something secretive that he wasn't allowed to speak of? It was strange how he avoided it, but Midoriya decided against questioning it further, the two of them going silent.

Midoriya was impatient, but he stayed silent up until dinner, spending the time after lunch laying in his still bare room. He hadn't added any hero posters, and there was nothing else to add, so the room stayed the same.

He didn't grow out of his love for heroes, of course. He simply wanted to change his lifestyle and room. His weird stutter and muttering at times didn't change, and Tomura always teased him for it, but he didn't talk about villain attacks and heroes as much. Tomura did not take his last attempt at Midoriya trying to talk to him about heroes well, so he made sure to avoid the topic.

All the interior was the same, but he also got a little more clothes after shopping with Tomura, and a few books. He also got himself stuff for school; he was starting ninth grade soon, and although he missed out on a lot of school, and the education wasn't as good in the orphanage, surprisingly Tomura lent him his textbooks; he was four years older than him, which he admitted after some time, but the action was still unexpected. Obviously he excused it with Kurogiri offering his help and finding the textbooks for him, but Midoriya was still startled and glad for his kindness.

A few hours later, at around seven, he heard the door clicking and opening.

"Welcome home." Midoriya greeted, walking towards Hisashi with a smile.

"Hello Izuku, Tomura." Hisashi smiled at Midoriya and ruffled his hair gently. Despite Hisashi's visible containment and formality, which was common amongst men of his generation, they've managed to get along really well, despite him being out of the house for a long time. Actually, that may have been one of the reasons they got comfortable together so fast—the less time they had together, the more valuable it was. Their bond was strengthened not with time, but with how they spent it.

"Welcome home." Tomura greeted, walking towards them. Hisashi smiled at him and ruffled his hair as well, which obviously had Tomura startled. He accepted it silently and reluctantly fixed his hair afterwards.

"It's my turn to make dinner today, right?" He asked as he took off his shoes.

"I think so." Midoriya and Tomura followed Hisashi into the living room as he placed his tie onto the couch, pulling his sleeves up to his elbows. Hisashi wasn't a great cook, and he sure as hell couldn't rival Midoriya or Matsui, but the taste had become a good type of familiar.

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