Chapter 8.2

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Chapter 8.2

"Some other cultures tell a similar story," said Jonathan, placing the notebook back in his lap. 

Silence fell around the fire, and Nathan was surprised to see that Jonathan still had everyone's attention.

"So, the legend is the same story as the origins of the devil in the Bible?" asked Nathan.

"Not quite," smiled Jonathan. "The popularly held belief that Satan, also known by his angelic name Lucifer, was once a prideful angel that rebelled against God is mostly based on inference. This isn't written explicitly in the Bible. It is quite clear, however, that Lucifer was not the mirror image of his angelic brethren Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel." He paused. "But he did find refuge in and allegiance from his other brethren Lucas, Lucius, Laban and Luke."

"Who are they?" asked Nathan. "I've never heard of them."

Malick chuckled and Jonathan frowned. He gave Malick a stern look over his glasses before continuing.

"See, the Bible gives a fair account about the fall of one angel," Jonathan said, "but according to the Cahokia legend, the story doesn't stop there."

Nathan's face frowned. "But the Bible —"

"Yes," continued Jonathan, "the Bible does make references to other fallen angels, like in the book of Jude, for instance, but who they were and what their names are, the Bible does not say."

"So, according to the legend," said Nathan, "these other guys Lucas, Lucius, Laban and ..."

"And Luke," said Jonathan.

Nathan smiled. "And Luke, are the other fallen angels?"

"Or other Angels of Light," Jonathan said.

Lafonda bounced her leg impatiently as her long, silky black hair drifted off to one side. "Okay, I think Nathan finally gets it now," she said. "Can we move on with the rest of the story?" 

Nathan rolled his eyes and pursed his lips in protest, and Lafonda smiled back at him.

Jonathan gave a quick smirk and turned to another page in his notebook. "See, the other four fallen angels each had a similar symbol like Lucifer's," he said. "Just absent the serpent — but each still engulfed in fire."

"That's intense," said Alan.

"The legend goes on to say that after Lucifer and the Angels of Light failed to take over the heavens, they were forgotten and cast into the void," said Jonathan.

"What's the void?" asked Alan with a frown.

Jonathan paused and smiled again.

Nathan could tell that he was enjoying all the attention.

"Most scholars agree that the void was on the surface of the Earth, or the physical plane," explained Jonathan, "before the creation of man, before the creation of the sun, water and land."

Jonathan took another pause and noticed that Lafonda looked annoyed again. "And so, continuing on with the story," he said, "for thousands of years, the Fallen Ones were banished to the void and toiled in darkness. The story goes on to say that it was there they realized their weakness, because not even with their collected powers could they pierce light into the darkness."

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