Chapter 16.2

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Chapter 16.2

Malick's face had a slightly haughty expression on it as he raised his eyebrows. "I don't know if they are watching you," he said. "But chances are they are both a part of the Order." Malick huffed. "And no, I am not watching you, but I did however, see you using Pneuma to destroy that wood bin."

Nathan's eyes were wide but skeptical. "Pneuma?" he asked. He folded his arms across his chest. "And for the record, I wasn't aiming at the wood bin. I was trying to hit the soda can."

Malick gave a quick glance at the destroyed wood bin. "Okay," he chuckled. "Whatever you say."

Nathan rolled his eyes in protest. 

"Pneuma is your life force, or your spirit energy," Malick said finally through stifled chuckles.

"Life force? Spirit energy? Are you for real?"

"Um, are your powers real?" asked Malick.

Nathan twisted his lip to the side of his face and nodded. "Good point," he said. "So what does this Pneuma have to do with me? Why am I able to do this stuff?"

"Everyone has Pneuma, Nathan, not just you," Malick said with a grin. "Pneuma is everywhere: in the trees, the air, the water, in animals; even the Earth has Pneuma."

Nathan had a sour look on his face. "Okay, I got it," he said. "But you can answer the question without being condescending?"  

Malick lowered his voice. He suddenly had a serious look on his face. "What you just did is called Pneuma Novo," he said. "And having the ability to manipulate your Pneuma is a rare gift and shouldn't be taken lightly."

Nathan took a seat next to him.

"Spirit energy manipulation can take many forms," continued Malick. "And you just performed one of them."

"What do you mean?"

"When you used Pneuma to hit the soda can, you were manipulating spirit energy to form a projectile of energy; sort of like a weapon."  

Nathan looked impatient. "So why me? Why am I able to do this stuff?"

"I don't know. It's usually hereditary," he said. "Are you sure no one in your family is a part of the Order?"

Nathan paused. "Not that I know of," he said. "It's just my grandfather and me."

"What about your parents?" he asked. "Your mom or your dad?"

Nathan's face grew soft. "I don't know," he said. "At least I don't think so. My parents died shortly after I was born."

Malick grew quiet as he gazed into the lake.

"So what does all this have to do with you?" Nathan interrupted. "Why was Argus threatening you?"

Malick had a serious look on his face again. "Look," he said, "I am not the person you should be worried about. There are dark and powerful forces out there looking for people like you and me."

Nathan's eyes grew wide and his mouth fell open. "You and me?" he asked. "Dark and powerful forces — what are you talking about?" Nervously, he rubbed the back of his neck. "Are you talking about the Order? What do they want from me?"

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