Chapter 22.1 (Loose Ends)

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Chapter 22.1

Nathan slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times, allowing his eyes to adjust. He could tell that he was lying down. He waited for a second for his mind to reconnect with his body. His thoughts started to come back to him as well. Soon his heart started racing and he abruptly sat up in bed.

"Look who decided to join the land of the living," said Lafonda.

He blinked a few times while looking at her and then quickly scanned the room. "What are we doing back at Lawrence Hall?" he stammered. "And where are the others? Is everyone safe?"

He threw back the bedspread that was covering him and attempted to get out of bed.

"It's okay," said Lafonda, pausing to place a hand on his arm. "We're okay; everyone is safe."

He stared at her for a moment and then slowly sank back into bed. The back of his head slightly throbbed. He raised his hand to massage it, but noticed the white bandages around his hand.

"Jonathan and I cleaned and dressed it," she said with a smile. She pointed at his head. "And the cut on your forehead." 

He lifted his bandaged hand to touch it. "Thanks," he said. He sat back to relax, but winced a little when his back touched the pillow.

"Your back and the side of your face are still bruised," she said. "But from the looks of it at least some of the swelling has gone down."

Nathan looked down and noticed he didn't have a shirt on and that his midsection and back were wrapped in a white bandage. With his eyebrows raised, he gave her a puzzled look.

Lafonda grinned. "It was Jonathan's idea," she said. "He said we needed to check for injuries."

Nathan's cheeks started to redden.

"Don't worry," she said, standing up and heading over to the wooden desk and bringing back a glass of water. "I didn't stay for that part; I left the room."

He took a gulp of water and she handed him two pills. "For the swelling," she said.

"How come Jonathan's a doctor all of a sudden?" he asked, pausing to take a drink of water to swallow the capsules. 

She sat near him on the edge of the bed again. "I asked him the same thing," she smiled. "He said being out in the field so much with his dad, they both became certified in CPR and First Aid. Of course, Jonathan went the extra mile to become an EMT."

There was a gentle knock at the door, and Malick walked in. "Hey, you're up," he said. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay," said Nathan, still sounding groggy. "Aside from being slapped in the face, tossed around and electrocuted, I'm good."

"Well, it sounds like you're back on track to your old self," announced Malick with a grin. 

Nathan took another drink and nodded. "So how did I end up back in my room?" He gently massaged the back of his head. "How did we get back here?"

Lafonda glanced over at Malick.

"Bobby," Malick said.

"Bobby?" asked Nathan, almost spilling his drink. "Jonas's little brother?"

The Legend of the Firewalker, Book #1Where stories live. Discover now