Chapter 22.4

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Chapter 22.4

Jonathan slowly made his way through the crowd, and Nathan followed. He looked up just in time to see Angela.

"Hi, Nathan!" she said. The sleeveless silk dress she wore made her blue eyes even more captivating underneath the courtyard lights. She smiled. "Glad you're feeling well enough to join us!"

Nathan stopped for a moment while keeping a watchful eye on Jonathan. "Thanks," he said. His eyes diverted to the two cups of water she held in her hands. "And how are you holding up?"

"Good as can be," she said, trying to smile. "Lafonda's clued me in on some of the details, but I'm just glad that it's over." She tried to blow a loose strand of curly hair out of her face and then focused on Nathan again. "Thanks for coming after us," she said in a whisper. 

He couldn't help but feel sorry for her. He could only imagine the stress she was experiencing dealing with all that had happened. "No problem," he said, trying to sound reassuring.

"Are you coming to join us?" asked Leah, joining them from the rear.

Her curly, mousy-brown hair had been straightened and lay close to her bare shoulders. Nathan didn't understand why, but her infectious smile made things feel almost normal again.

"I hear LaDonda will be giving her closing speech soon," she said.

"Um, sure, in a second," he said, remembering Jonathan. "I'll meet you guys over there."

They both smiled and he continued in the direction he had last seen Jonathan.

LaDonda started her speech.

Jonathan was standing near the back of Lawrence Hall, fidgeting with his long-sleeve white shirt. He appeared to be having difficulty rolling up his sleeves.

"Hey," shouted Nathan. "Sorry about that. I ran into Leah and Angela."

Jonathan stopped what he was doing and nodded. "I saw that," he said. "How are they doing? Is Leah's arm well?"

Nathan's eyes grew wide. He had noticed the white bandage around Leah's forearm but forgot to ask about it. "I believe they're okay," he said, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Nathan," said Jonathan, after clearing his throat, "do you remember the inscription on the wall outside of the secret chamber? The one that says 'That he will be known by those around him'?"

Nathan's forehead wrinkled. "I think so."

"Do you remember what happened after I touched the symbol for teacher?" he asked.

"Yeah," Nathan said. "You became a black fox and were drawn to the road we were driving on."

Jonathan nodded. "Well, the same thing happened last night."

Nathan shook his head. His eyebrows were scrunched and he looked confused. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"Last night, after the paramedics brought me back to Lawrence Hall, I had that feeling again." he said. "But this time I wasn't drawn to the road, but to Grimm Cemetery. That's when I saw you and the others."  

"Wait, when I was on the ground of the memorial plaza," said Nathan. "For a second I thought I saw something moving in the graveyard below. A small dark shape. Was that you?"

Jonathan nodded.

"But I don't understand," responded Nathan. A few moments passed and he grew silent. He looked at Jonathan and then slowly his eyes grew wide. "Wait, are you saying you are drawn to me? Why on earth would you be drawn to me?"

Jonathan cleared his throat again. "Uh, I don't know how else to say this, but I think ... you're the one."

"The one what?" asked Nathan, looking confused.

"The one your ancestors were looking for," he said. "The one to come, according to the legend." Jonathan drew closer and with enthusiasm whispered, "You're the Firewalker!"

"What?" exclaimed Nathan. "Are you insane? Did you hit your head?"

Jonathan beamed. "It makes sense," he said. "The inscription on the wall outside the secret chamber said 'He will be known by those around him.'"

"Yeah, yeah, I got that part," interrupted Nathan. "Get to the part about me being the Firewalker."

"Right," continued Jonathan excitedly. "On the same wall, around the Firewalker symbol, are five smaller symbols. The Cahokia symbol for teacher or Spirit Walker is one of them, as well as the symbol for protector, healer, traveler and guide." 

Jonathan's piercing blue eyes behind his dark-rimmed glasses were bright, and Nathan was surprised because he hadn't seen him look this rested in weeks.

"And considering what happened to me after I touched the symbol, I must be the teacher," Jonathan continued. "And if I am the teacher, then after last night, Lafonda's clearly the protector."

Nathan cocked one eyebrow and stared at Jonathan in disbelief. Nathan almost had a grin on his face. "So, I'm the Firewalker. And Jonathan Black is my teacher. And Lafonda Devaro is my protector."

"Precisely!" exclaimed Jonathan.

"You might look rested," responded Nathan, "but I think you might need more sleep."

"No, no, I'm serious," continued Jonathan. "It fits; even the part of the legend that says he will wield the power of the three: Earth and Spirit and Fire." He leaned in close again. "It's you, Nathan," he whispered excitedly. "You have the gift of fire!"

Nathan continued to shake his head and huffed. "Yeah, but so does Malick," he said. "And besides, you said there would be five around him and you've only mentioned you and Lafonda. Who and where are the others?"

Jonathan looked away and fidgeted with his sleeves a little. "I haven't quite figured that part out yet," he said. He paused. "But I have a theory."

Nathan looked towards the stage and watched as LaDonda continued speaking. "Uh-huh," he said. "And there are also parts to the legend you haven't decoded yet."

They both grew silent.

The microphone from the stage echoed loudly, startling everyone, including LaDonda.

"Sorry about that," said LaDonda with a smile. "Now as I was saying, the Outstanding Counselor Award goes to the counselor who has demonstrated teamwork, integrity, responsibility and leadership. The recipient of this award was nominated by his peers."

LaDonda paused to take a look at the paper in her hand. "We had a tie this year, and I'm not surprised because both of them were so helpful to me this summer," she said. "This year's award goes to Nathan Urye and Stephen Malick." 


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