Chapter 20.2

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Chapter 20.2

He froze and Alan almost ran into him. "What?" he asked. "What do you mean? What happened?"

There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone. "We had just returned back to Leah's parents' house after shoe shopping," she said. "Leah wanted to change clothes before we went out for dinner."

"Shoe shopping?" he asked.

Alan's eyes lit up. "Shoe shopping?"

"Yes," she continued. "I waited for her downstairs with her mom in the kitchen. She wasn't gone that long. Her mom had just taken the peach cobbler out of the oven, and that's when we heard this loud screeching noise." 

A cold shiver ran down his back. "Did you say screeching noise?"

"Yes," she said. "It almost sounded like grinding metal."

Nathan remembered the sound the Necrocritters made while on the pseudo staircase with Jonas. He also recalled the scratches on Bobby's arm, and the comment Jonas had made about the train behind his house. "Like the sound of a train?" he asked, proceeding down the stairs again.  

"Yeah," she replied. "How did you know?" Lafonda waited for a response, but after a moment of silence continued. "We followed the sound back to Leah's room, and when she didn't respond, her mom opened the door. The room was a mess, Nathan — feathers everywhere and her bedspread ripped to shreds. It reminded me of her dorm room the night she was taken to the hospital."

There was silence on the phone again.

"What kind of shoes did you buy?" Nathan finally asked.

Alan nodded, eager to hear the response.

"Shoes?" Lafonda asked, sounding a bit confused. "I bought a pair of sneakers."

"Are you wearing them now?" Nathan continued. "What color are they?"

"Yes. They're pink and gray," she replied, annoyed. "And why on Earth are you asking me about my shoes when Leah is missing?" 

"Where are you now?" he asked.

Lafonda huffed. "In my car," she said. "Driving back to campus."

"No!" Nathan exclaimed. "I mean — you should stay there!"

"I need a break," she said. "We just spent hours looking for her and talking to the police. I'm tired and just want to go home. I told her mom to call if there were any news."

"That's the reason why you should stay there," he said. "You shouldn't be driving; you're tired. And what if Leah comes home?"

She sighed. "I'm already on the road, Nathan. And besides, I am almost there. Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

He was nearing the bottom of the stairwell when he caught a glimpse of Erin standing there with a basketball in her hand. "Everything is fine," he said.

"I want to talk to Angela," she demanded.

Nathan rolled his eyes. "Everything is fine," he said. "And we'll see you when you get here."

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