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Amara Luciano let out a yawn as she stepped out of the car

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Amara Luciano let out a yawn as she stepped out of the car. St. Clement Academy towered over her in white and gold.

Spring break was over that the students poured in. Amara began to walk to the main building, smiling at everyone who greeted her.

She was tempted to roll her eyes. It was Monday for fuck's sake. She barely had any energy to smile.

Still, she kept it up.

Amara Luciano ruled high school with generosity and kindness. It would stay that way forever no matter how annoyed she usually was.

Her parents had once told her it was okay to complain. But it was just too much of a hassle for her. She didn't want to make things blow up if keeping quiet would solve everything. Picking fights without a reason was more her best friend's style.

Amara straightened her LV shoulder bag as she made her way to the cafeteria. She didn't have a class for her first period that she decided to have some tea. She marched to her usual table and saw an unfamiliar figure sitting with her friends.

They all wore the same green plaid skirt, white long-sleeved uniform, and black knee-length socks. They only differ in the way they roll their sleeves and the branded accessories that surround them.

"Hi, girls," she greeted. Amara eyed the newcomer with a hint of scrutiny. She had pale blonde locks that framed her sharp features. Pretty and slim. "And you are?"

"I'm Natasha." She stood up and held out her palm. "You must be the princess Amara?"

Amara chuckled as she received her hand. "Drop the title, please."

The circular table was enough to accommodate them but Amara was still surprised at the changes. For six years, it had always been the three of them. And no one dares to sit in front of Amara but Primo.

Now, Natasha occupied that free spot.

"Oh, no! Don't do it!" Isla exclaimed as she ate her salad, pushing away the tomatoes.

Maine nodded along as she stacked her books. "Don't ever drop that title else Primo will come after you!"

"Don't be ridiculous." Amara turned to Natasha. "Don't believe them. They're teasing."

Isla snorted. Her brown curls bouncing as she made the action. "We're not! Everyone knows Primo doesn't lose, on anything. Challenge him if you want and let's bet on it!"

"He sounds intense and strangely awesome," Natasha commented as Maine giggled.

"He is!" Maine's small eyes almost disappeared in time with her fruity laughs.

Amara rolled her eyes. She didn't get where Primo's charm came from. She liked him, yes but his narcissistic side ruined him to her forever. Maybe it was the looks and how he carried himself. Primo did have that 'I'm the number one student' aura going on.

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