Chapter 12 Louis's bad day at School and Tas can feel something is Wrong!

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Louis P.O.V.

FUCK SCHOOL. I hated it. Today was just a bad day. I needed to go home and cut. I just wanted to end my life right here and then.  My teacher MS. Fox my teacher was yelling at me for something I didn´t hear. I heard someone giggling at me and I hated that class it was science and I hated it I knew I was going to fell in the finale anyway. It was the last class and then I could go home.  I had class with Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall. It looked like that Liam was having a hard time. I just wanted to go home and relies the pain and the stress. Harry looked more chocked like he could see right through my close I was wounding about if I was that skinny as they wanted me to be or was I beginning to be fat again as my dad used to say???? I don’t really know. Then I heard my partner gasp. OMFG TOMMO DO YOU CUT YOUR SELF??? Nice way to go Maddie. She basically just shout it out aloud so the entire class could hear her. I just shook my head and said no I was doing something at home and by an accident came to hurt myself. Then she asked if I had a girlfriend. I answered her by saying no I don’t have a girlfriend and I will never get one because I am gay but it doesn’t matter anyway. Nobody wants me anyway so shut up and get back to work I smiled at her just to tell her that I wasn’t mad. Harry looked shocked as went for the rest of those boys I just mention. What did I do now??? Ohhhhhhh great now I am going to be beating up or something. Why can I never keep quite? Way to Go Louis!  The class ended I went outside the classroom and went home. Tas wasn’t home yet. I went into my room I know she had taken everything that could hurt me in anyway but she forgot I had a hiding place so I found a razor there and I started to cut and the blood came out and then I started to cut more and more and I was getting dizzy and then everything went black.  I woke up a couple minutes later and hid the blade and went in to the bathroom and started to clean myself up still dizzy and after that and I made sure that there wasn’t a sign on that could show that I was hurting myself anymore I went into my room and collapsed onto the bed and fainted right there and then.

Tas P.O.V.

God I hated to act like that to Amanda yesterday but it was for her own good I think. I went out to go and find a job and got one at an office where I could write and other stuff they were very understanding about my situation at home. I could feel something wasn’t right at home but I couldn’t put a finger on what it was. I trusted both Amanda and Louis they were my sister and brother but poor Louis he has been through hell and back and then back again I just hope I can still safe them both but I can’t Amanda needs to help me out we have to safe Louis first or he will be dead and then I know Amanda will never forgive herself after words. And then they both will be gone and I will be left alone I don’t want to lose both of them they mean more to me than my stupid parent they didn’t have kids if it was like this I know they told both Amanda and Louis that they were mistakes and that dad didn’t like them and he would have killed Amanda ohhhhhhh god I hope that Amanda haven’t heard those words that dad was screaming at Louis. Louis took it for her poor boy. He did anything to protect her. He didn’t want her hurt. It takes a lot to build a persons confident up but it only takes seconds or minutes to put them back down again and I rember Louis to be a happy and carefree boy but not anymore he is hurt a lot. I just hope we can safe whats left of our family and that mom and dad never are coming back!

Written By Tashamus

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