Chapter 2 Tas returning home and the fight and comfort.

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Chapter 2 Tas´s P.O.V.

Hello my name is Natasha or just Tas Tomlinson yeah that’s right.

Louis is my brother and I have a baby sister her name is Amanda. I´m the oldest out all of us.

I had to leave home for my studies I go to uni in London but I come home on the weekends and holidays so it’s not like I don’t see my family at all anymore after that. I´m really close to Louis I don´t even know why but he is everything to me like my sister is. I know something is going on at home but no one tells me anything. One day I came home and found a very heart broken Louis on the living room floor crying and in pain. I Imedily picked him up in my arms and was choked he was very light he had lost lots of weight and I could feel he’s bones.  I took him up to our room and put him down and went out the door and closed it without a sound. I went down stairs and sat on the couch and waited for my mom and dad and Amanda to come home. Not soon after they all was home and I went to hug them and then Amanda left. I looked at both my mom and dad and said are u proud of what you are doing? They looked at me like I was crazy. I then said that I knew that something is going on and one of your own kids is sick and you don’t even notice??? What kind of parents are u anyway? Will somebody tell me what the fuck is going on? And then my dad sat down and told me that they were going to split up and I just looked at them and told them they could do what they wanted but if it got to a fight between Amanda and Louis they could save if because I was going to take them and raise them by myself. My parents looked at me and told me I couldn’t and I just said I can I have been around more than any of you ever have. My mom was going to hit me but I hit both of them across their heads and told them to fuck off and went up to Louis. Louis was awake and looked broken. I sat down on the bed and took Louis hand and then he looked at me at then broke down in front of me I just pulled him into my lap and sat there with him trying to comfort him. I asked him what was wrong then he told me that mom and dad are fighting all the time and when he is alone he calls Louis names I don’t even want to mention here. I was really feeling sorry for both Amanda and Louis and what hurt me the most was they started it short time after I let for uni. When bed time came around and Louis and Amanda were safe at bed and fast asleep I went down stairs and heard our parents fight like cat and dog. I went in to the living room. They stopped when they saw me. I looked at them and shot them daggers I told dad to go now before I would hurt him and my mom just looked like I was from outta space. Before my dad went out I called him in again and mom left. I looked angry and I could feel my anger boiling up inside of me and I went to dad and said if you ever are going to hurt Louis that bad again I kill you he is broken and have done nothing wrong. What is wrong with you? My dad just told me that he will never raise a gay son I just shot daggers at him and was screaming at him that he was dad to me and I rather have Louis as my family then let the world know that he was my dad. I know it hurt him I could see it and he went quiet and mom came back and still said nothing I turned and looked at her and said if this is how it is going to be both of you can piss of now out that door and never come back I’m not going back to London on Sunday I’m staying right here until dad has learn to accept Louis for who he is and not because he is gay and can´t stand him and what about Amanda has any of you ever thought what it would be like for her no? I don’t think so.  I hate you both right now just get out and come back when you are ready or it will be your lost not mine and then they both walked out the house. I was alone.  Louis came back down and asked where mom and dad are? I answered him that I had kicked them out and he looked like he didn’t believe me and I told him that I had a fight with them and he nodded and sat down beside me.  Louis sat there shaking. I looked at him and said Louis I know what you are he looked shocked and went to say no I’m not gay. I looked at him took his hand in mine and looked him directly in his eyes and told him I knew he was gay and that I still loved him he was still my baby brother I had running around I the same living room and chased after and had lots of fun with. He looked like he was about to cry and then asked that question that made me break and my heart was shattered: how would you react if I committed suicide?  I feel I’m not what I am supposed to be and beside that Amanda hates me and I don’t even know why. I hate being me right now and I have nobody and everybody at school is ignorers me I just don’t want to live anymore. I looked at Louis and said that Louis if you do commit suicide I know I will never forgive myself and I do love you. You are somebody to me you are my brother my family along with Amanda. But not mom and dad after how they have treated you.  I love you and it will get better I promise you that and I’m not going back on Sunday I’m staying home until you are back on track ok? And then he leans in and gave me a big hug

Written by tashamus

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