Chapter 7. Louis and Tas have a loooooooong Talk

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Louis P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning feeling sick and dizzy. Tas came up to work us up so we could go to school. She came up and woke up Amanda but when she went to me and saw me she said that Louis you are staying home today you are sick and I will not let you out. Amanda thought that she also stay at  home but Tas just told her to go to school and when I was well they would have a day off together.  Amanda was unhappy but agreed to it. I know it hurt Amanda but she also knew that tas was right. After Amanda left for school I went back down and tas was there and asked me how I was feeling. I didn’t feel very good and so I told her. Tas patted a space beside her I went and sat down beside her. She turned around so she was facing me and said ok Louis talk and don’t hold anything back I want to know about you and mom and dad and what Amanda is doing. I looked at her and started to talk.

Louis talks about mom and dad:

Dad was screaming at mom one night after Amanda and I went to bed at they thought that we were asleep. I heart that dad didn’t like either Amanda or me because we were too lazy and didn’t do anything at home. Mom just said that he was wrong and that he was under a lot of stress and on.  Tas just sat there and looked like she was going to break something until she told me to continue. One day I came home from school dad was home and called me. I went to him and then he hit me across the face and told me that I was useless and couldn’t do anything right, and that he knew I was gay and that he didn’t want me, me and Amanda was his biggest mistake and we would be better off without them. He wanted to kill us and that kind of stuff. And then he started to abuse me he hit, kick, did a lot of other stuff to me. Amanda came home a couple hours later and she had the same thing being throwing at her and she started to cry and mom didn’t give a fuck. One day Amanda and I went home mom was there and said that even we could be in the house but we had to go straight to our rooms or we will be kicked out or some kind of that. Tas was totally shocked and looked at me. And that’s where I started to cut and stopped eating because our parents told us that we were fat and no one would ever be with us. We both stopped eating but in school I use to give Amanda money for food so I knew that she would eat something but when they found out we were both punished and it was not fun at all. One day I came home a little bit later they were on Amanda and how lazy and stupid and stuff she was and then I just lost my temper because they were hurting Amanda in the worse possible way and I think she got scared of me and stuff. After that she started to distant herself from me.

Written by tashamus

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