The Mysteries

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Addison's POV

Addison followed the mysterious man down the halls. He stroked a wall and it flickered. He walked through the wall like last time.

Addison wondered if this was part of the test. She stroked the wall right next to where the man stroked the wall. The wall flickered again. Addison confidently walked straight into the wall, knocking her head.

She fell back on her butt and slid to the other side of the hallway. The wall flickered again and the man stuck his head out.

"Come on." He said. Addison got up and walked through into a small room.

"What happened?" Addison asked.

"You locked the door by stroking it again." He said.

"Oh. When does my test start?" Addison asked.

"Soon, but for now, we need to get you into warmer clothes." He said. He tapped a pattern on the wall and a cubby appeared. "Here's some clothes. I'll leave while you get changed. Please go quickly."

He left the room. Addison quickly changed. It was freezing and the new clothes made her feel warmer.

She was wearing thick warm leggings with leather boots. She had on a white tunic that fell to her mid thigh. The tunic had a brown belt around the stomach. It had brown fur cuffs around the wrists.

Addison kept on her moonstone neckless. She didn't know if she would get her old clothes back.

She left the room to find Mr Mysterious Man waiting for her. They continued down the hallway without another word.

They came across the only doors Addison had seen in the place. They were two solid ice doors of sky blue coloring. Pictures of snowflakes were carved into the doors.

"This is the Throne Room." The man said. "The Queen and her son are in there. Bow and do not rise until she tells you to."

Addison nodded. A Queen and a prince! She secretly shrieked a bit when she heard that. She used to love the Disney movies about princesses.

They entered the room and Addison was amazed at the grandness of it. It was a long room made of blue fragile-looking ice. It wasn't like the hallways where a thin layer of white covered the ice. This was polished, glass looking.

It was a long tall room with many windows. The ice swooped up to the ceiling making arches. On the floor was a purple long carpet leading to the two thrones of the Queen and the Prince.

Guards stood by the windows even though the queen and the prince weren't in the room.

"Bow when they enter." The man hissed at Addison.

They reached the edge of the long walkway before the thrones which were elevated by a couple of stairs.

Trumpets sounded and Addison curtsied with the little fabic that she had. She noticed the man was bowing.

"Rise." A regal voice said. Addison looked up at the royal fanily. She tried to keep her expression neutral when she saw Adrian in the princes chair.

She didn't know how she felt about him in the moment and decided what was best was to ignore him.

"I am Queen Adalina. This is my son Prince Adrian." The queen said. The queen had pale skin and slick white hair flowing down her shoulders. Her eyes were ice blue. "Welcome to the Guardian's Palace." So they were in a palace!

"Pleased to meet you, Queen Adalina." Addison said.

"The man who guided you here is my advisor, Abner." Queen Adalina said. Addison nodded. "My son found you in the woods and feels that you are one of us." Abner, beside Addison, gritted his teeth and looked at the ground.

"You have the white hair but we have never had a youngling been taken from us before, so it is likely you are just a human."

"If..I am speak." Addison started. "I do not believe I am human. I am a werewolf."

"A lone wolf?" Queen Adalina asked. "Why were you kicked out of the pack?"

"I..chose to leave. I did not agree with some of the decisions that the alpha and beta had made." Addison said. It was painful remembering leaving Willa and Wynter and...Wyatt. "It was a rash decision on my part."

"My queen, she was part of a prophecy we sent down to the wolves." Abner said. "She was their Great Alpha, the one with the full head of white hair."

"Oh!" Queen Adalina said. "So she is a werewolf placed wrong?"

"Mother, she is a guardian. I just feel it!" Adrian spoke.

"Quiet Adrian. A feeling does nothing. We must have proof that she is more than a werewolf." Queen Adalina paused. "She shall do the trials."

"Queen Adalina..." Abnar started.

"Do not argue with me Abnar. I am your queen. My word is law." The queen said.

"Yes my queen." Abnar bowed. "Forgive me."

"Rise." Adalina said. Abnar rose but kept his head looking at his feet. "Prince Adrian, you shall be Addison's guide while she is here. Show her to her room."

"Yes Mother." Adrian nodded.

"Dismissed. Abnar, speak with me." Adaline said. Abnar and Adrian switched, Abnar next to the queen while Adrian was next to Addison.

"Come, there's so much I want to show you." He said, leading her out if the room with his arm.

Zed's POV

Seabrook had been quiet for quite some time. Weeks ago, a war seemed to be brewing but nothing had happened. School went on. Life went on.

Zed hadn't heard from the vampires or the werewolves. He wished the zombies didn't live with the humans. The vampires and werewolves were all equal in the forest. Zombies were always lesser in Seabrook.

Zed was walking home from another boring day in school when his z-band sparked. A wave of heat and pain rushed up his arm to his head where it stayed in an endless fire.

His hand clamped his z-band. What was happening? This didn't feel like zombieing out, just pain.

He continued walking. He tried to act normal so the humans wouldn't be scared. Once he got into Zombietown, another wave of pain made Zed double over, holding his head.

Stabs of pain intruded his thoughts. His breathing became heavier. He stumbled to Eliza's house. she could help him.

He leaned of her house, gasping for air. He knocked weakly on the door. Nothing happened. Another wave made Zed accidentally open the front door. He stumbled into Eliza's house and down the hall to her bedroom.

"Eliza?" He asked. "Ah!" He grunted as the two waves came through his system.

"Zed?" Eliza asked. She sounded weak. Zed opened the door. She was lying in her bed, her face scrunched up in pain.

"What's happening Zed?" She asked. She jerked as she tenced. The wave of fire burning through her veins.

Zed breathed heavily as he fell onto the floor from the pain of a particularly large wave. Black spots from the fall distorting his vision.

If even Eliza didn't know what was happening they were doomed.

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