The Sad Realization

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Willa's POV

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" A loud shout woke Willa from her sleep.

She head shot up and she was immediately on her feet. She crouched on the tree branch scanning the area. She sniffed the air. Nothing.

Where had that scream come from?

Willa relaxed a bit and sat back down, shifting uneasily. She squinted from the sun. It was mid morning.

Her stomach grumbled again. Willa sighed and leaned her head on the tree branch. She hadn't eaten in days but she had lost her appetite.

Willa smelt Wynter coming and yawned. Her fangs, dull from unuse glittered.

"Willa?" Wynter said. "Oh hi." Willa opened an eye to look at her. Then closed it again. She felt Wynter climb the tree in three swift movements until she sat slightly above Willa.

"Are you sunsoaking?" Wynter asked. "I hear the humens do that. They lay in the sun to get darker. It's strange."


"You talked!" Wynter exclaimed. "I thought you forgot how!"

"Why are you is happy?" Willa said. She sat up. "Why is everyone so happy? The sun, the birds, you, the pack! I hate you all." Willa slumped down. "Wyatt's gone and he's never coming back."

Wynter didn't say anything. Willa glanced up at her. She was turned away, her hands around her knees, facing the human city.

Willa's eyes overflowed when she realized normally Wyatt would comfort Wynter. But normal was no longer a regular thing.

"Look Wynter. I know he was your friend too." Willa said. "I'm sorry. Wyatt wouldn't want me..." She choked up. Willa buried her head into her arms.

They sat in silence. Their company being enough. Tears fell. The sun fell. But their friendship would stay through the night.

Addison's POV

Addison was taken to a different cell in the deepest part of the palace. After a while she stopped fighting the two men. They were stronger and her struggles didn't do anything.

She didn't know what these tests would demand of her and needed to save her strength.

She was thrown into a pure ice cell. It was a black ice, cold with bars on one wall. No privacy.

Addison strangely wasn't cold. The clothes seemed to generate heat. She was perfectly comfortable. The moonstone flickered across her neck. It's power faltering. Somehow the charge was fading.

Addison was tired. She didn't know how long she had been in this place. There was no bed so Addison lay on the ground.

The cold soaked into her bones. The normally warm cloth turned cold. Addison closed her eyes but the coldness made it impossible to fall asleep.

She yawned and sat up. Immediately the upper part of her body was warm. Everything touching the ice was freezing.

She frowned in confusion. She got up to her feet. Sure enough her feet were cold up her body was warm.

"You've figured it out." A female voice said. Addison squinted across the row to the opposite cell. It was in shadows.


"The black ice." The voice said. "It sucks the warmth from your body. Sit on it longer than 3 hours. You get frostbite."

"Who are you?" Addison asked.

"A friend."


"You haven't even told me yours."

"I used to be nice like that. But..." Addison paused. "I've trusted too many people and they've let me down. I can't trust that you're a friend."

"¿A qué ha llegado mi vida?" The voice mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry. I... My name is Melody." A girl, about Addison's age stepped into the light near the bars of her cell.

She had tan skin, warm brown eyes and blond hair. She, like Addison, was wearing the Guardian's clothes.

"How'd you get here?" Addison asked. "You aren't a Guardian."

"I'm not telling you that. You have to show me who you are." Melody said.

Addison couldm't do that. If she showed she had white hair like the guardians or even said her name which started with an A, Melody wouldn't trust her. Then they'd never get out of here.

"My name is Bree." Addison said, using her former best friends name.

"Why don't you want to show your face?" Melody asked.

"I'm...ashamed." Addison said, and idea forming in he head.

"Ashamed of what?"

"What they did to me."

"What did they do?" Melody asked. Addison stepped in the light. "Your hair!  It's white! They did that to you?"

"Yes. How did you get here?"

"Well, I was surfing with my friend, Brady, when I fell off my board. The water just kept swirling around me. Next thing I know, I'm in this cage with these clothes on."

"How long have you been here?"

"A few weeks. I was moved into this cell yesterday after I met the royal family.  They just explained that they were better than me. They didn't really tell me why I was here. Do you know?"

"No, I was kidnapped and brought here. They brought me to the royal family. Then they gave me clothes, then they dyed my hair, and now I'm here!"

"Huh." Melody said. "This is so strange."

"Yes." Addison said. She turned back, facing the black wall of ice. "Have you slept at all?"

"No, I tried to once. But I got frostbite." Melody answered. There was silence. "Bree?"


" you think we'll make it out of here alive?" Melody asked. "I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss warmth, palm trees, the sun, the beach, school even. Every passing day, it seems less real."

"It is real. And you'll get to see your family, and the sun again." Addison said. "You're my friend and I never give up on my friends."

"Thanks I guess." Melody said. "But truthfully? I don't think that's going to do us much help."

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