The New Plan

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Addison's POV

By the time Addison went to bed, she was so confused. She wanted to believe the werewolves would never hurt her but she remembered when she first saw them.

She was terrified. They had surrounded her and they howled, their yellow eyes showing through.

Then the second time she saw them was at school. They had charged at her looking mean. Willa's first words to her were 'Where's the moonstone white hair?'

Addison had thought they were really just a big family and fiercely loyal. But what if they had too much power? What would they do? Would they try and cut themselves off and kill everyone?

What about her vision for her and a werewolf together under a big moon? That didn't seem like a monster or a murderer. Maybe they were all acting the whole time she had been there. She didn't remember most of it but her emotions were happy from that time.

The vision of her and the werewolf under the moon made her feel fuzzy and warm. Whoever that werewolf was, she needed to get back to them. The werewolf made her feel safe and loved.

Both her parents claimed that her dad's story was true. Maybe it was time to use Eliza's plan. She needed to know what had happened to the werewolves. And find out who was the mysterious werewolf.

The next morning she met up with Eliza. "Plan Z." She whispered.

Eliza'a face brightened. "Really?!" She said happily. "Why?"

"My dad told me that the werewolves were trying to kill me because I knew where the Wolf Den was and they were trying to cut themselves off again. He said they became wild because of the moonstone. But that doesn't match up with all my visions." Addison said.

"I don't know about anything about the wild werewolves but we can do it after school today." Eliza said.

"Okay." Addison said nervously. She shook those feelings away. She needed to find the werewolves.

At the end of cheer practice, Eliza and Addison met at Addison's house.

"Ready?" Eliza asked.

Addison nodded. "I think so."

Addison rushed into the house. "Dad! Dad!"

Dad came running towards her. "Addison?"

"Dad!" Addison stopped breathless. "I need to borrow your phone!"

"Why?" Dad asked.

"I lost my phone!" Addison said playing up the dramticness.

"Honey," Dad started.

"Dad I can't live without my phone! Would you rather me be with the werewolves dying?! Don't you love me?" Addison asked. "Maybe I'll run away and live with the zombies."

"Calm down Addison." He reached in his pocket. He brought out his phone. "Here you go."

"Thanks daddy!" Addison gave him a hug and left out of the house. "Got it." She said to Eliza.

They went to Seabrook Park so they could be alone. Addison opened the phone using her Dad's password which was OfficerWells.

Eliza scrolled through the phone's contact list. She quickly found an officer. Gertrude Robinson.

"Gertrude?" Addison laughed.

"I know." Eliza grinned. "It's hilarous. You should see all the nicknames we come up with for the Monster Patrol troopers."

Eliza texted Robinson: Robinson update me on the project.

Almost at once Robinson texted back: Sir, we had a breakthrough today. The formula worked on the beta. Threatened the other werewolves. At the moment, they all choose to die. We'll get some of them away from the pack.

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