The Imprisonment

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Zed's POV

All Zed felt was rage. The vampire had lied to him. She called him her boyfriend but it was a lie.

She had manipulated him. He had fallen underneath her spell. He had loved her with all his heart. He didn't even know what had happened the last month it was all a daze.  She had ripped his heart out of his chest.

He had started breaking down her trance on him when he saw Addison. Addison was true and pure. In other words the opposite of Violet. He had fought Violet's compelling voice.

In the hallway he had a breakthrough. He had fought Violet. They were both exhausted. Zed was confused for a while. He heard Addison and Violet talking but about what? He couldn't tell you.

When Violet used her powers to suggest that Zed's z-band wasn't working. It suddenly stopped. Then all Zed felt was hunger. All consuming hunger. He couldn't fight it.

Then he felt a sharp taze to his side and his z-band started working. Still he had been taken away. The Monster Patrol had come and of course Zed was the villain.

He was being taken to Containment. He hated Containment. It was a torture place. He couldn't even talk about it. It was too emotional.

He tried not to think or talk about Containment but it still gave him nightmares. The screaming and pain. The terror if he would get out alive and sane.

The humans thought it was just a prison. Zed wished it was. No it was where monster hunters went to beat out their anger that monsters were still alive.

The guards pushed him still cuffed up to the dark grey building. Zed started shivering even though it wasn't cold.

The guards pushed him through the door. It was as white and stark as he remembered it.

A guard snarled at him and punched his gut. Still recovering another guard took him by his arms and walked him down the hallway heading to the different wings.

They passed the interrogation rooms. Zed heard a growl and a howl like the ones the werewolves would make. He stopped in his tracks. There in the corner was a cage. A silver cage.

Someone was huddled in the corner. The boy looked familiar. His head was down dejected. His legs were up and his head rested on his knees.

His arms had large red spots. He also had small purple scraches on his arms. His clothes looked werewolf but there was no marks. The skin was unnaturally pale.

Zed wondered if the boy was even alive until the boy wearily looked up. Zed's eyes widened. It was Wyatt.

He looked terrible. His skin was a ghostly white. His markings was gone. He had purple rings around his eyes. Zed noticed that his moonstone neckless was gone.

He must be dying. Zed thought. He had never liked Wyatt. Wyatt was too close with Addison.

Here Zed looked at him with horror. Even the zombies hadn't been treated this bad.

The guard pushed him ahead and Zed broke eye contact with him. Wyatt put his face back into his knees.

Zed was taken to a clear plastic cage in Wing VIII. It was empty but him. He paced his cell. They would probably let him out in a couple days and then he could tell Addison about the werewolves and she could save them.

But could she? Wyatt looked like he could be dead by the end of the day. Even if Addison did save them, could they survive?

A loud sound made Zed look up. The guards were bringing in someone else. Willa! She didn't even fight the guards. She didn't look at terrible as Wyatt but it was still bad.

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