Pick Me

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I first met him. I first met him when I was most alone, even though I hadn't wanted to admit it. I first met him when everything was tumbling, but I faked like I was the source to keep it together. Ross was the glue. Not even me myself, would survive if it weren't for this romance. It hurt once. It did. But now . . . It doesn't. And when I look at my mom's picture today, I think I'm happy I first met Ross on the first day of school. I even wanted to feel the pain he gave me that day, when his head hit mine. I wished I wasn't such a bitch when I met him for the first time. Maybe I could've said hi.

I didn't have to pretend with him for long, though. When Ross caught me staring at my mom's picture, I exchanged eye contact with him. He was in his boxers, and when he saw me smile he froze. It was our wedding day, and he froze. I found myself staring at him myself, and he walked towards me. "Keep smiling," He said, running his hands through my cheeks. He lent his body and hips against mine, as I was in his sweat shirt.

I through my arms around his skin, and blushed. "I will sir."

He still made my heart thump. I couldn't wait to marry him; I couldn't wait to be all his. I was hopeful. 

It took a lot of planning, crazy Maia demanding, but Maia and Ross managed it all. Maia told her parents and they were elated right away that her last name would be Lynch. So was she. She'd always treasure that beach as their landmark. It was so unexpected, that she never thought that beach would play a big part in her life. Maia asked all Nina, Laura, Allie, Hailey and Dana to be her bridesmaids, and Ross asked Riker to be his best man.

The friends have graduated, and now who knows what they can all be, now that they've set their minds on it. But now we know, one of them is going to be a Lynch.

That Morning

Dear, Journal

Today I get married. Today I get married, and I can't wait...Because I've pursued the right person, at the right time, in the right place. It took me a while. It took a hundred journal pages, but I've managed. Now I got to get this pen to great use and auto - correct my lame vows.

Normally, I wouldn't be in the same breathing zone as Ross, but I decided to stay with him for the wedding, even though Ross had to leave early and of course the more stylish (me) would have to come behind him, for me to make the big appearance; Planned it all out, from paper to paper. Today was the day, and I couldn't wait for Ross to slide that ring on my hand again, and marry me, and his plump lips to look forward to.

I was hoping for the day to be perfect. Ever since I could remember, one day I was bored I planned my wedding on a cheap computer, and now it was coming true.

Today was the day; I get to be the princess on to her happily ever after.

The boom box was shouting out Miley Cyrus' Seven Things. I'd still liked Miley, but you know her classics we're classic's, indeed. "The seven things I hate about you!" I sang, still in my pajamas, dancing surprisingly good in house shoes. Kidding. I suck. 

Ross had slid down the stair well, as I'd laughed when he almost fell. "God, I'm not as good as I used to be." Ross cringed, holding his heart.

"Please you we're never good." I danced on, flinging my hands and legs, as if they we're motors. I could hear his snicker, as I smiled, eyes closed.

"What the hell is playing?" Ross asked.

"The seven things!" I sang. "The seven things I like about you! Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's, when we kiss I'm hypnotized, you make me laugh, you make me cry, I guess that's both I'll have to buy!"

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