C24 - Handling It

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Hello Seniors of Unison.
The SAT'S are coming up and I plan to be impressed. So here's a crash course on what colleges are looking for and what their not. -Head Mistress

You're probably (
painfully) aware that your high school transcript is a record of every grade you earned in high school- and that all of those grades are averaged to produce a single number, your cumulative GPA.

But admissions officer have their eyes on more than the bottom line. There are other things they examine to get a sense of what kind of college student you'll be.

Pass / Fail

Don't elect to take a pass / fail. To colleges, a "P" might as well be a "D".


Colleges expect your grades to be consistent or improve. If you received As in sophomore year, and Cs in senior year, they will conclude that you are a capable student who became lazy.


High school graduation requirements vary from school to school. Most students have the opportunity to take more classes (or credits) then are required to graduate. If you take only the minimum, colleges will conclude that you are doing the least you must do to get by.

If you take extra classes (or credits) but they are soft-ball classes (like basket-weaving or calisthenics), this looks just as bad.

The best high school transcript will show consistent grades in a challenging course load with challenging classes. AP classes or advanced classes impress colleges and tell them that you are ready for college-level work.

We all got this after second period. The paper was shaking in my hand as I looked at everyone else to see how they we're taking this. SAT's aren't a joke, and as much as I like to think that it is a joke, its finally here. Gee, did I forget to mention that on the queue of Maia Mitchell's 1+ twisted life? Oh yeah, that's me, remember. "Dammit," Ross whispered. "There's know way I'm getting into a college." (Ross was back in school; but was still staying at the Green Line hotel. The teachers thinks his parents know that. Fools.)
"They might like bad boys. Who knows?" Allie whispered sarcastically back to him, as we all left the class following by crowds of other confused students.

"Very funny." He glared at her. "Slut," He muttered.

Dear, Journal

This is the worst time for the Senior's. Everyone's paying more attention in class than they' have ever had. But it was even a worse time for me. Luckily staying after school for setting up the Prom was a good after school activity on my college res for this year was good enough, but that didn't change anything. Yale was my dream, but my dad's dream was Yale for me as well. If he didn't live to see that day I would be crushed. Its bad enough that mom wanted to see me grow up to be a writer, and couldn't see that either.

This is the teacher's message to us to bring out our pencils, strap on our book bags and forget everything that's happening in our life for a stupid test/ college essay. This would all be easier if my dad wasn't sick.. and if I knew about it. That bastard Hailey had to keep it a secret. I'm not even talking to her, and I want it to stay that way until I leave for college. But the way it looks right now, I might be flipping burgers at McDonald's.

Love, Maia

Dear, Journal

Things we're looking up and then they started crashing down. I have the girl of my dreams and we're both happy. I had everything I ever really wanted. Then if I go back home, my parents will finally start "caring." Only when its SAT time though. Wippy, boom, poom hurray, my parents are rushing me to get out of the house and go to a college that I'm pretty sure, will kick me out once I even tell them my name. Maia's dad has this thing called MS -- some crippled disease and nobody told her anything. She's putting up that front again, and with this stupid upcoming test, I doubt she can write anything without stopping and thinking about her father. I really care about her, and I think I really love her. I want to help her about this only if she lets me. I'm gonna offer to come with her to visit her father today, in fact. I guess its Step 1 to meeting the expectations of being a good and golden boyfriend.


After Leaving The Hospital - After school

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