C43 - Cry

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Wedding Day

January 10, 2015
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

You are invited to Dan Mitchell and Stormie Lynch's wedding, three o'clock in the evening! Join us for a wonderful celebration of two coming together. Mona Skyscraper Chapel st Rochester 45th.

Dear, Journal

I miss my mom, is all I thought about this morning as I was getting ready. And as I put on this big white dress plus bonus jewelry, attending my dad's wedding with a new woman, hurts. But it's also telling me we are moving forward, we are not heading backwards or moving around in circles. That's actually my relationship with Ross, and we are NOT getting married.. I don't know--- I'm planning on telling Austin I love him today. Yes. Not Ross. I guess you could say we are finally ancient history -- hopefully.

I will always love my mom, they way I fought for her in the beginning of my senior year proves it. I forgot how having a mother helps a lot, and now--- I can kind of have one.

Hailey is taking it well, surprisingly. She was the first to find out. I caught her doing pot again though and she cried until she fell asleep in my grasp. Our second sisterly moment this year... She's going through things; she's a fourteen year old girl with an eighteen year old sister who is trying to be the family's mom, when all along I couldn't even deal with a boy from the low end.

Plus, I really love weddings, and it's in a new year's type of spirit so I'm up for it. Ms. L--- Stormie can never replace my mother, though. Only will I find out, when the two both announce how they fell in love today. This is going to be good.

Love, Maia

P.S Your invited of course.

The big day, I thought looking in the mirror as I applied hot red lip gloss onto my lips that had been kissed all night by Austin Mels. Let me brag. I'm gonna brag now.

Maia Mitchell as Maia Mels. Yeah, he's taking my last name. The big days like old high school times, big days, pep rallies, talent shows, queen drama but only this wasn't high school. I'm a bridesmaid, for god's sakes, a veil planted on my head, and I'm looking more spectacular than I did at my dad's first wedding.

Thanks to Allie's supersonic sowing powers, that's not the only thing that made white look like the new black -- if that was possible.

Thanks to Nina's social butterfly skills invitation sending wasn't a problem, and I wouldn't have been surprised if half the world showed up. I planned new house list adjustments for Stormie, because of course she's not waltzing in here with I, Maia Mitchell's rules, like a housewife, or a sex buddy. For my dad, not me... get the image out your head.

The people would be prominent, the setting would be beautiful, and everything would be perfect. Except Ross had not showed up at our house yet, where we all said we'd be meeting. Austin, Nina, Allie we're downstairs dressed like they we're going to be the ones married, Hailey wearing a "black" layered dress of course, and way too much "black" eye liner. This is a wed, Hailey. Not a poet reading.
Stormie and dad, the best of all. Allie had made Stormie's dress to, although it was much more layered and beautiful than mine. She is the bride of course. She had flowers and a corsage as her props, and I had a polka dot journal that I put down on my desktop, getting heading downstairs in mom's heels she wore to her wedding day with dad, only to see a still-missing-Ross.

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