C29 - Change

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The Maia And Ross Diaries Previous and Previously

It's prom. And the last prom in fact for everybody. Time to make the most of it. Although the prom is early, that is not stopping the Unison kids from renting tuxes, and dresses, even if they have to steal it.

Prom may sound like it's going to be magical but you know well enough that reality doesn't work that way. But what will happen? That's a good question. So relax, and enjoy because The Maia and Ross Diaries is known for its cliffhangers.

In life, you will meet two types of people. The ones who build you up, and the ones who tear you down. But in the end you thank both of them.

It's called change. Maybe I'm changing enough to not write "Dear, Journal" all the time. I mean, I've outgrown it don't you think? And you know what else has changed? The weather.

In Jacksonville Winter was the roughest season, of course. Traffic, car accidents, and did I mention traffic? But some of us are lucky. Ross was lucky, I should say. He finally got his drivers license, that way me and him don't have to walk everywhere. Especially to the senior prom. It was tomorrow and the students of Unison we're surely making an appearance. Dresses and suits, heels or boots, nobody was missing prom.

Some people are excited. Nina and I are officially Yale buddies. She got accepted the same day I did and of course we're celebrating. At my house... yes, I let Nina talk me into a party. Good thing dad will be out-- probably, secretly banging Ms. Lynch. I couldn't believe what I saw that day, after the most lovely experience with Ross, I just had to see those two out of all people making out?! And on my favorite part of the couch, disgusting!
Apparently my dad says she makes him happy... but the woman was a nut; he knew that, and I couldn't believe my dad was replacing my mother with that. Did that hospital treat him right, because he surely wasn't proving it? But of course, they decided to break it off that day because when it came to me and Ross, you could say we we're forever. Plus we threatened to run away together. How, daring, huh.

But even if we do make decisions like that, at least we learn from them. In my view, we we're all changing. Even if it was bad to good, or good to bad, change was always good. So I will live tonight and tomorrow. I will change.

Sitting On The Steps - Waiting for school doors to open

I put my journal in my purse and took in the morning breeze of Winter. Winter may be horrid in Jacksonville but a girl's gotta love a good breeze.

"Hey Maia!" Expecting Ross, I realized Ross didn't sound so upbeat like that all the time. I looked to see and hear the same voice that has trailed behind me and my friends since junior year, Austin. "Hey! What are you doing here so early?" I asked, wondering. He wasn't in LLL (live, love, laugh) to help with the last touch ups for prom. That was sadly my job. But I did a quite a good job, if I do say so myself.

He sat on the step next to me. "I'm always here early. You?"

"Prom helping." I said vaguely giving a wrangled and faint expression into the sky. "Sadly," I added. Of course Austin was here by the way. He was a straight A student, every year. I'd expect nothing less.

"What college did you get in to?" I asked figuring I'd shoot the breeze with an old friend.

"NYU." He replied smiling.

"Cool, that's in Manhattan to; Lucky you I got into Yale." I laughed. It did not overwhelm me that me and Austin we're going to be seeing more of each other. His girlfriend after all was going to Yale as well. Nina and Austin we're lucky.

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