Sequel/I Love You

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Heyyyy!!!! I CAN FINALLY TALK TO YOU GUYS (I didn't do this much, cuz I wanted it to be like... all mature, and I'm NOT mature) I have a lot to say. One, I'm finally done I think I might CRY. I even wrote down the time I finished yesterday, which was 7:55 - Call me weird, but this was SIXTY ONE CHAPTERS. I had finished those new updated chapters yesterday, and I was TIRED AS HELL. It took all my brain juice, that I have to use for school tomorrow, yippy. But, just know all your comments, votes, and did I mention comments we're very appreciated; not kidding :')

The original plot was for Maia to move away, and Ross follows her, and they end up DOING IT Maia says change is good and THE END. But noooo BECAUSE OF YOU LOVELY PEOPLE this bitch went up to 61, and then Maia says change is good. Because of you guys, I hardly got writers block and believe it or not though there was some CRAZY drafts I had omg >,<

Then came along all these readers, the next thing you know INSPIRED. So of flipping course their will be a sequel, a very sad sequel that is called "I have no idea yet" but the bottom line is I hope you enjoyed this story. This was seriously me liking Raia at first. After TBM I was like "RAIA IS SO CUTE!" And start writing this, I didn't even plan on it getting all SERIOUS AND DRAMA but it wassss. :))) Thanks to you all. So thanks for surviving the mis spellings, the crazy LONG chapters (I appericate you guys reading them anyway) and just thank you. I CAN'T WAIT TO MAKE THE SEQUEL ^O^ -M

P.S. Sorry Maia was like... Maia Mitchell then Blair Waldorf then Elena Gilbert, then Brooke Davis in the pictures (If you noticed them) and. (My mind depending on the chapter made her fit into one of these so really she's either one lol 

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