C41 - Shake It Out

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Dear, Journal

Dating Austin Mels had its perks.

We have had three successful dates in a row. Three! OML, not to go all girly on you guys now, but I've never been so hopeful.

He introduces me to his football player friends, watches any movies with me, enjoys helping me shop, which is such a rare quality for guys, and the next thing is the I love you stage. Not to gloat, but I think I'm the luckiest girl right now. Have I ever sparkled this much in my writing besides two month pages ago "in Manhattan" to be specific? I didn't think so either.

Lastly, he doesn't pressure me about sex. He told me he's ready when I am, and I am far from ready. For one this would upset Nina even more, and I know, I shouldn't care what she thinks but she's my best friend. She's been there for me, came, and hasn't left my side since that stupid sleepover. Two, I'm not ready. I refuse to entertain my old pain.

It's like yesterday I was just good girl Virgin. [Virgin: A person who has NEVER had sexual intercourse] and I have. It hurted at first as I forgot to mention, dammit! Then when I think of who I lost it to, I want to throw up. I know, we loved, but the way he got on his feet and left me for Laura was unbelievable. But he looks happy, and I'm happy, so I really don't care anymore. He can have his fling and I can have my relationship.

I have more important things to worry about. Like what I'm going to be wearing to that Masquerade thing at school, with Austin. I currently hate dances, but what the heck... Austin promised me the New Year commit afterwards and I couldn't wait.

Almost 2015, new great boyfriend, almost a graduate, and for once again in my life, happy.

Love, Maia

"Hey, MITCHELL!" Allie yelled scaring the hell out of me as I dropped my journal to the floors, including the covers I had comfortably around my writing arms. "Giving me a heart attack doesn't improve my writing, Brooks." I said actually scared, as I stood up from my window bed.

"Sorry," She rolled her eyes, "Cranky, I can't help with that."

Laughing, as she took my hand and led me downstairs. "What now!" She tugged my arms harder running me down my own stairs, into my own kitchen, in my own pajamas... Point made.

"Fashion," Allie said hitting Ms. Lynch's radio DVD player as runway music started to play, and expecting something out of the ordinary, nothing came. "Is what I can help you with."

Nevermind, girls in cute clothes just randomly appeared from the hallway.

Monday - Tuesday Before New Years - Steps

Walking with Allie in the clothes she made for us, that we're actually presentable and -- well good -- we and her model friends walked up the steps like pros. I wasn't sure what the new look for us, was for but she said it was time for a new change in her "new creations."

How could I say no, exactly?

Unfortunately Laura came in on us from the side interrupting our moment of fashionably walking up the steps to school.

"You all look like unicorn throw up." She said holding a smoothie that was obviously bought from the Diner. The day was shining only for her to bring me down with her dark light and attitude.

"What's does that mean?" One of Allie's friends asked from behind us. I turned around looking at the only girl who hadn't talked all day, and finally her character appeared to be-- slow.

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