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I watched her leave.

The door swinging shut behind her and leaving me alone in the entrance area.

The sound of the door closing echoing in my mind.

I swallowed hard, before glancing back towards the lounge room. Aria and Luke were in there, ready to give me sympathy but I didn't want to hear it.

Not anymore.

Instead, I turned around and walked towards the back door. I wasn't sure what I was going to do, I just knew I needed to get out and breathe. I pushed open the door and stumbled down the steps. I began walking, just going straight and not looking back.

I heard someone call my name but I didn't turn around.

I had told her I was okay. Told her that I was happy that she was happy, she used to be able to tell when I lied.

I stumbled over a ditch but got up and kept going.

I had been gone too long, left so much behind. The world had moved on and I had been dead. Seeing her with someone else was worse than death. I had died more than once, and it had all been for her.

Everything I did was all for her.

"I missed you, you know."

Her words bounced around in my head like a jackhammer. I kept going, not even sure how long I had walked for. I kept my eyes on the horizon.

"I want you! I don't want to go to the big cities! I want to stay here with you!"

I winced but kept walking.


It hit me like I had been shot and I collasped onto my knees. My fingers dug into the dirt just as thunder rumbled overhead.

"No! Loki! No!"

I took a deep breath and tilted my face up to the sky.

"What do you want!" I screamed.

"What-t are you-u?"

The sky opened up and rain began to pour. I was soaked within seconds, my clothes weighing me down. The memories of Reena overwhelmed me and I fell forward, curling myself into a ball as I cried out.

"I didn't ask to be in love with you, I just am!"

I closed my eyes, pulling my knees to my chest. Trying to keep myself warm. My breath constricted and I felt like I was drowning.

"Don't tell me who I can and can't love, Loki. Don't you dare. I love you and I'm always going to love you. Until the end, remember?"

I laid there for god knows how long, until the rain became harder, became colder and the sky darkened more. My eyes stared through the rain, as the horizon darkened. A flash of lightning lit up the clouds in a beautiful colour.

I pushed myself up, getting to my feet. I turned around to head back to the house but I was met with an empty field. I was alone, surrounded by an empty fields, getting pummeled by the rain.

"Promise me. Promise me that this is forever."

I blinked slowly before taking a step forward.

I fell forward and suddenly the ground opened up, swallowing me.

Opening my eyes, I was met with complete blackness.

"I love you."

"Are you okay?"

"Don't shut me out, Loki."

Her voice swirled around me like a tornado.


I opened my eyes and Luke stood in front of me. His rain coat shining back at me as he narrowed  his flashlight away. He bent down to my level, as I laid curled up on the ground.

"Hey buddy." He said softly over the rain.

I didn't say anything but you could tell he understood. Instead of helping me up, he sat down and sat next to me in the mud. For what seemed like ages, we just sat there. Staring at the  area around us.

"I don't know what to do now." I said, my voice hoarse.

Luke shifted.

"What's my purpose, Luke?" I asked as I sat up.

I glanced at him, and he glanced at me.

I blinked away the rain from my eyelids, ignoring it.

"Life is your purpose. You loved her and she loved you and now it's over. Now you move on and live. You breathe every day and fall in love again with someone else. That's just how it goes." He stated, sadly.

"I don't want to love anyone else. I don't think I could handle it." I replied.

Luke looked at me.

"Whatever you're feeling. It will pass. I promise." He said, softly.

"I promise."

I closed my eyes and felt the warm trickle of tears fall fresh down my cheeks. It mixed with the coldness of the rain,

I remembered everything about her and stored it in a box. I dug a hole in my mind and buried it. Buried her. In the back of my mind.

Luke was right. Reena had moved on. It was about time I did to.

Opening my eyes again, I got to my feet.

Luke followed quickly.

"Loki?" Luke asked, worried.

"It's okay. I'm fine."

Luke watched me worriedly, we began to walk back to the house. But I wasn't lying. I was fine. I needed to grow and be my own man. I needed to learn how to live a life without Reena Styron in it.

I loved her. I would always love her. In someway, she was my soulmate. But I died. Now, I was someone else.

I was Loki but I was different.

I didn't need her.

I glanced at Luke who walked beside me silently.
He might have been controlled by the Council but Luke had loved me once. Surely, someone else did.

Someone who wasn't Reena.

The rain soaked us, and Luke seemed to be trembling but I was ignoring it. I was alive, I had another chance at living this great and beautiful life.

Reena had once been my everything. Now, she was in my past.

I blinked, and Luke looked at me.

"Loki?" He asked, half surprised.

I glanced at him.

"Your eyes. Loki, your eyes are black."

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