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I opened the door.

My brother was shocked. I think he did not believe when I said I would come.But my father did not even glanced at  me he just sat  there silent. 

the dining room was very big. 

{i don't understand why are there so many chairs if there are only 3 people to eat including me.} I thought to myself.

and went and sat beside my father. my brother was sitting on the other side so i  though i should sit on this side.

I glanced at my father. me and my brother got our eyes and hair color from our father. our nose where also like him. I guess the rest we got from our mother. By the way he was a total eye candy. it is not appropriate for me to say that as a 30 year and as also his child but who DOES NOT LIKE HANDSOME MAN....

After few min. of silence the meals came in. One by one maids came in and filled the dinning table with foods. They all looked delicious. {at least now I will get something better to eat. I can please my father and brother when I am done filling up my stomach}  I thought to myself and started eating.

before eating I glanced at my father.. he was staring at me with his cold eyes!!!! {I don't know what expression I should put up so I just gave a small awkward smile. 

And then I looked towards my brother....he was so shocked and was also staring at me. { why are the staring at me. did I do something I should not have done} now to understand the situation I needed some time. I am never good with understanding people. In 30 years of my life I never cared for a single person and never gave a damn about what they though about me. You see... i was an orphan my whole life. people looked at me with dirty eyes. As the day went I became used to it. it was not that I was orphan that they hated me so much. It was because. I was good at at everything. And there was no one to celebrate if I succeeded. But there was always jealous people.

.....sorry.. back to the present I should not bore others with my past.

But now what to do. ya!!! lets just ignore them. Ignoring is my talent.

So I ignored them and started eating. After my meal was over. I waited for the duke to go. because it will be rude if I went first.

Then after glancing at me and my brother he got up and went.

Then I got up and was ready to go but as I had a lot of time I went near my brother to have a small chat with him.

(Your Highness mind if we go on a walk in the garden.) I said with a small friendly smile.

(hmph....lets go) he said rudely but I can feel that he is happy.

I don't know how such a cute child turned to be such a brat. but if I think it is understandable because he got so much love and pamper from all the servant. that now it is obvious to me.

whatever I don't care I have a lot of free time to sphere and I don't have anything to do so whatever. he is the best choice with whom I can talk.

So silently I followed him as I did not know where the garden was.

You may ask.. why I suggested to go in the garden if in the first  place I don't know where the garden was.


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