Chapter 15

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It was time for dinner now. Rose and Rodrigo came together as always. The duke was sitting in his place.

the duke noticed that the smile on rose's face has returned and he felt warm inside. He was not sure why; it has been like this for a little while now. It all started when first rose looked into his eyes, it was the first time that day when he has properly looked into the eyes of one of the kids, the eyes he saw where so beautiful, so clear, so full of life. From then on, he started noticing everything about them. And he felt warm seeing the twins talk happily. He still did not know what it was he was feeling but he liked it.

They sat down and ate their dinner. As always, the duke did not talk at all, he just sat their and ate silently while watching them.

The twins got up and where on their way.

(f...father thank you for listening to my request.) he bowed down and said in a rush and caught roses hand and ran away with her as fast as he could.

The duke was shocked, very shocked. He could not find a word to describe what he felt while Rodrigo did this stunt.

(My, our young master is very cute is he not) butler Jan said with a small smile

The duke was silent and suddenly he realized what word he could use to describe this stunt and that was CUTE. Yes, he thought to himself that Rodrigo was indeed cute.


(What was that brother?) rose asked giggling.

(Nothing, it was nothing.) he said hiding his face with the back of his hand

(...ok) rose did not know why he did such a thing but she did not want to pray into it to much. She would ask about this some other time when he is ever ready to share.


It was five in the morning and rose got up.

She has been thing, working out in the morning is the best so from today onwards she would train in the morning. She uses to work in the morning in her previous life and that too every day. She had a habit of working out in the morning. She had informed about this to Anne and Anne has informed Arla and she has agreed as she already trains in the morning.

She got ready and opened the door to go. And she saw Rodrigo who was just about to enter in her room.

(Good morning sis.) he said with a big smile.

(What are u doing here?) she asked confused she was not expecting him. She had not informed him about this. She did not want to disturb him so early in the morning.

(Are we not going to the training ground?) Rodrigo asked puzzled

(Yes, I am going not you) said rose

(Can I not go with you?) he asked sadly

(Yes of course you can but how did you know I was going?) askes rose

(My maid penny asked me if I to had planned to come with you or not. And then I thought of coming with you too.) said Rodrigo

(Ohh okk lets go) said rose

They went to the training ground. It was still not fully morning. It was dawn.

As rose entered the training ground she saw a figure far in the center of the ground. Someone was training. And rose could not take her eyes of him. He sword play was very beautiful. It was elegant, strong, and spectacular to watch. She did not know what perfection really looked like. But seeing this she thought to herself that this is what the perfection would look like.

She thought to herself that after she was strong enough, she would ask this person to teach her how to wield a sword.

She left Rodrigo and ran to she his face so after words she could request from Arlo for this guy.

She ran towards the shadow figure and she was startled and stopped abruptly and fall back because of the sword that was turned her way in her neck with in seconds. She could not comprehend what has happened.

And as fast as the sword come to her neck. It was removed as well. It took her some time to come back to her senses.

Rodrigo Anny and penny came running to her.

(Sister are you all, right?) Rodrigo asked worried

As soon as she came to her senses, she saw the face of the stranger and it was none other than the duke.


The duke was training. He is the one who trains in the morning alone. He was very focused. He suddenly felt a figure running towards him. He has delt with many assassins and this was not new to him. But he also felt it was not an adult. It was a child and he has also delt with trained brainwashed children assassins. So, he though of not killing them in one go.

When he turned and put the sword on the strangers neck, he saw his daughter who was thrown to the ground. And she pulled his sword back very fast.


(Father, it that you?) rose asked confused

(..) the duke did not say anything.

He was silent and he was staring at her. he was checking if she was all right.

(Sis, can you stand up?) Rodrigo asked worried

(Yes of course) she said standing up with the help of her brothers hand

She stood up absent mindedly. Her whole focus was on the duke.

(Father, can you teach me how to wield a sword when I am strong enough.) she said shouting and looking into his eyes with her shining eyes.

She was so fascinated by what she saw that she has forgot there was a slight sting on the palm of both of her hands.

(Sis, your hands...) Rodrigo said pained

As soon as Rodrigo said so the duke lifted rose into his arms.

The duke checked her all over but as her palms where out of sight. He did not see the wound see got when she feels to the ground with force.

Her small soft hand where bleeding. Her both palms got scratched all over because of the stones.

(Father....?) she asked puzzled

He took her small palms into his hands.

(Jan, call the healer) the duke ordered butler Jan still looking into her bleeding palms

(I am sorry....) the duke said sadly. Well, there was no sorry expression but you could see in his eyes that he felt what he said.

(Ohh this... its ok it would heal in a few days, its nothing) she said as a matter of fact.

She was too focused, then too puzzled to notice the few scratches on her hand. But it was not anything new to her. she got hurt many times on different parts of her body on different occasions, and the hand wound was just a scratch but because this body of hers was of 5 years old, the wound was a little more than if an adult has fallen. Still, it would heal in a week or so.

(...) he said nothing

(Sister show me your hands) Rodrigo said puling the pants of the duke because the duke was very tall. And was not able to check her hands properly.

(..) the duke said nothing but bend down on one of his knees to reach Rodrigo.

( are bleeding so much. We must heal it fast.) he said after checking her hand and with a pained look on his face.

The duke gave an agreeing nod.

Rose just could not understand why this people were reacting like this. But she said nothing.


While all this was going on Anne and penny where in shock. They could not believe what was happening was real. First the duke said sorry. And then he kneeled before a mere child. Even if the child was the next heir this has never happened before. No one could make the duke kneel, even the emperor. They were trying so hard to not pass out.


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