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Rose slept for the whole day. She woke up the next day.

Rose slowly opened her eyes and sat up. She slowly started to recall all that has happened. Suddenly she felt a hug and she saw Rodrigo hugging her tight.

(I am so sorry sister. You are like this because of me.) Rodrigo said slowly trying hard to hold his tears from falling.

He was really shocked yesterday. If the duke did not save her yesterday, she would have been heavily injured. he thought he would lose her in that moment of time when the ball of fire moved in her direction.

he waited the whole time by her side until she woke up now.

Rose patted his hair and repeated (I am all right) again and again to calm him down. No matter how good he was at anything and no matter how mature he acted he was still a small child.

{he must have been so scared} rose thought to herself.

After some time rose cupped his face and slowly touched his eyes with her thumb. She stared at his face. This was the first time she has seen his face up this close.

{he is such a small child} she thought to herself

(See I am all right and it was not your fault. You were also in danger. Are you alright? You did not get hurt right?) she said worried checking him out

(No commander Arlo saved me and luka. No one got injured.) he said hugging her again.

He had never hugged anyone before. It was his first time hugging someone. He liked it. He liked the warmth. He liked the sound of heartbeat he was hearing. He buried his face in her shoulder and hugged her tightly.

(There, there...) rose said slowly.

Rose wanted to take him in her lap and console this small child but again she got reminded that she to was now a child. She really was not used to this small body.

Finally, he let go of her after Anny slowly reminded rose that she had to get changed and eat.

(Sister, you should get ready and lets to eat together. You have not eaten all day.) he said worried

(Ok you can go I will be right there.) rose said getting up

(No, I will wait.) Rodrigo said immediately

(...ok them) rose said with a small smile.


Finally rose and Rodrigo where on their why but because rose had not eaten the whole day. She could not walk. She could but it was difficult because she was low on energy.

Anny picked her up in her lap. Rose was embarrassed but she could not complain because she needs this help. She really was struggling inside. She was not used to getting help from others at all.

They were on their way when and suddenly they saw the duke walking towards them.

They were startled because it was unusual but they properly greeted the duke.

(....) the duke was staring at Anny. Anny was scared she did not know what to do but she realized that he was staring at the lap.

So, Anny took the risk and extended her hand as to giving rose to the duke. And he immediately took her in his lap.

(....) rose did not say anything but her face suddenly turned red. She was embarrassed.

(Would you like to also...) said the butler extending his arms towards Rodrigo.

(No, I am a big boy now.) Rodrigo refused immediately.

(... I insist) the butler said

Everybody was waiting for his answer so he had no choice but to except.


The view was really magical. Everyone stared at them. The butler and the duke were so handsome. Rose and Rodrigo were so cute. No one could stop staring at them.


They finally reached the dining room. The duke put rose in her seat. And butler to put Rodrigo in his seat.

Rose did not say a word. He may be rose's father. But 'this' rose just could not except it. He was no more than a stranger to her. Whom she had to great daily and have food with. And there was no way for them to be close. The duke never ever said a word. He only opened his mouth when absolutely necessary.

(Are you all right now.) the duke suddenly said with an emotionless face

It was really heard to read him with that poker face of his.

(Yes, I am perfectly fine now.) rose replied with her usual small smile which has always plastered on her face when talking to anyone.

(....) the duke stared at her for some time and then the food came and they started eating.

(. your highness I also want to learn how to wield a sword) rose finally said with a lot of courage looking straight in his eyes.

COLD DUKE'S DAUGHTERWhere stories live. Discover now