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They kept staring at me.

Now I was getting embarrassed.

I shouldn't have said that. I was really regretting saying those things. But it was not wrong of me for saying that.

My father called me and gestured me to sit and eat. We ate in silence and then he got up and went away. My brother as always ignored me. I also went to my room as usual. The next morning a maid come in. I was seeing a new face. She was new. She woke me up gently and helped me wash up and dressed me did my hair properly. This was unusual. Then she took me to the dinning room. Today in dining room I saw all new faces.

Don't tell me he fired them all because of what I said yesterday. All the maids and servants had straight face. They were professional.

I sat and ate my breakfast. Today's meal was good.

As usual we all ate silently and I was ready to go to my room as usual but my brother stopped me.

(Where are you going) he asked me.

(To my room) I said.

(shouldn't you be talking to me by now. Why are you ignoring me) he said angrily?

(And why should I do that. You are the one who doesn't want to talk.) I said stating the obvious.

Why is he being like this????

(But everybody talks with me first. I can ignore any body because I am the hire. You should talk with me first.) he said as he was stating the obvious.

(Who taught you that??) I asked dumbfound

(The maids taught me to always ignore people, and never to talk first. because I was superior.) he said explaining

This explains his personality. He was not born rude he was just not given proper education.

(So why are you talking to me now?) I asked

(Th.... that's because I want to. You are my sister and you treat me differently.) he said embarrassed

(So will you listen to what I have to say?)

(Yes of course, then will you play with me) he said exited

(Yes, I will play with you but first you have to fire all of your maids. I don't like them) I said seriously

(Do I really have to fire them. They are always nice to me and listen to whatever I have to say.) he said complaining

(The I will be on my way. I don't want to play with you if you don't listen to this little request) I said bowing and ready to leave

(Ok ok don't go I will request father to fire them all.) he said frustrated.

(Thank you) I said smiling and patting him... (you are a good boy)

(.......) he didn't say anything but I think he was happy.

(Do you want to go on a walk outside?) I asked him

(Ok let's go.) he said smiling

This kid really is normal but very lonely from inside. He was the hire and he gained a lot of favour from others but it was all because he was the hire. No one really loved for who he was as a person. And he to felt that.

We talked a lot. he was so happy that I was listening to him that he told me all sorts of think, like when he was learning his sword, he really liked it. And how he wants to help people when he grows up. But I noticed that whenever I tried to ask him if he has friend, he tried to change topics. I think he does not have any friends. I felt sad for him. But no worries brother this sister will always support you from behind.

While talking we came across library. It was very big and grand.

(Sister do you what to go inside.) he asked

(Let's go.) I said smiling

This library was very big and grand. It was such a beautiful place.

He held my hand and took me to his favourite spot. It was such a beautiful spot. It was a spot near a window. I could she beautiful garden out side filled with beautiful flowers.

We sat there and he showed me books he liked a lot. And surprisingly I could read everything. He was showing me a book about a man's adventure as he struggled and achieved what he wanted. He really admired the hero. His eyes were sparkling while he told me about the hero.

I was a single 30-year-old women in my world with no purpose. I just lived because I was just to scared to kill myself. But seeing this chid. I remember I always wanted a small family of my own where I would have 2 children and a loving husband. I always wanted a family because I never had one. This child is so full of life. But how lonely would he have been.

I have decided, I will help this child to grow into a fine young man and make him a loving and strong duke.

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