Chapter [17]

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Roxy's PoV

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Roxy's PoV

I stand next to Bella holding a bouquet of light blue flowers, smiling up at bright expression standing opposite Edward at the alter.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan," The minister proudly announces to the quieting crowd.

He turns to Edward, "Please, repeat after me. I, Edward Cullen."

"I, Edward Cullen...."

Minister Webber, "Take you, Bella Swan."

"Take you, Bella Swan.....To have and to hold...For better, for worse...For richer, for poorer...In sickness and in health...To love...To cherish as long as we both shall live."

He gently pushes an elegant band onto her ring finger.

Bella bites her lip to prevent any tears from falling down her cheek.

Minister Webber then turns to Bella, "Miss Swan...."

Bella twists around to me, my cold fingers handing her a slightly larger ring.

She smiles widely looking back at Edward lovingly, "I, Bella Swan take you, Edward Cullen...To have and to hold...For better, for worse...For richer, for poorer...In sickness and in health...To love...To cherish as long as we both shall live."

She pushes his simple gold band onto his ring finger grasping his hands afterwards.

"Edward, do you take Bella to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Edward Cullen nods gently, "I do."

"Bella, Do you take Edward to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Bella Swan squeezes Edwards hands, "I do."

Minister Webber glances up to the guests, "Then I pronounce you forever bound to each other."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I present Mr and Mrs Edward Cullen," The minister claps while the happy couple share a long passionate kiss.


I sit quietly at a table in between Jazz and Rose, stirring my drink absentmindedly with a straw.

"Darlin would you like to dance?" Jasper suggests noting the change in my mood.

I smile, "It would be my pleasure Major 'Whitlock'."

I take his awaiting hand letting him guide me to the dancefloor, a soft melody playing in the background. My hips swaying to the music my arms resting comfortably around Jasper's neck.

"I heard your talk with Rose last night," Jazz whispers into my ear, "You don't have to do anything you're unsure of, it won't make me love you any less."

I frown burying my head into his chest, "I know. I just....I want our relationship to flourish at its own pace, have the milestones mean something to us not anyone else."

He smiles, "I completely understand that."

"Don't think that I don't ever want to marry because I do, but when the time is right for you and I."

"I know Darlin..." He raises his fingers lifting my chin up placing a soft kiss upon my lips, "I'd do anything for you, I've waited over a century to meet you, I can wait another to marry you."

"I love you Jazz," I chuckle light-heartedly as he twirls me around pulling me back to his embrace.

"I love you tool, Anna."


I glance over at Rose nudging her shoulder, "Are you aware of what Emmett is approaching?"

She furrows her eyebrows looking to her lover, sighing loudly, "Good heavens only knows what he's about to do."

I smile watching Emmett take a mic from the DJ holding it up to his mouth with a large grin.

"I’d like to propose a toast, to my new sister. Bella I hope you’ve got enough sleep these last eighteen years, cause you won’t be getting anymore for a while," He booms with excitement refering to a vampires inability to sleep.

"I...I don't think people realise what he means," I giggle, "Sounds like he's saying that Bella and Edward are gonna be at it like bunnies over the next couple of weeks."

Jasper chuckles, "Look like Charlie is not thrilled by Emmett's lovely toast."

"I think Charlie is gonna need another entire bottle of champagne to get through the night," I laugh noting Emmett walk back over to our table with a huge smirk.

Charlie then stands up to the stage, holding a full glass of fizz, "Edward will be a good husband. I know this because…because I’m a cop, I know things. Like how to hunt somebody to the ends of the earth...."

I bite my lip to suppress the grin creeping on my face, "That is totally a warning to Edward."

Rose rolls her eyes, "Edward better not hurt his little princessl  more like."

I shake my head at Rose, "Will you lighten up. Your ruining my vibe."

Rose glares, "You better go give your speech Alice is finishing up."

"Now that you’re my sister, you’ll have to get over your aversion to fashion."

I carefully manoeuvre my way to Alice happily taking the microphone from her, "Bella, we may not have been sisters by birth but we both knew from the start that fate had brought us together so that we can be sisters forever," I glance over at Edward, "Eddie, you never needed someone to complete you...just someone to accept you for you you are. And well both you and Bella accept each others flaws and perfections. May your love forever bring you joy and happiness," I raise a glass, "To Edward and Bella!"

I then pass the mic over to Edward who stands beside me on the stage.

"It’s an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are. I’ve been waiting, for what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. With Bella I feel like I can finally begin. So I’d like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let’s start with forever."


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