Chapter [27]

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Roxy's PoV

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Roxy's PoV

I sit calmly holding Renesmee in my arms gently rocking her to sleep. A book perched on my lap, the page turning when I blink my eyes.

"You're reading at a time like this," Jacob asks with his eyebrows raised.

I shrug, "It helps keep my mind at ease."

Jacob rolls his eyes heading into a different room.

I lean back into the chair, Renesmee snuggling into my chest. My book now hovering in the air as I read it.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" I ask Jasper leaning into his chest on the sofa as he joins me.

My ears tickle at the familiar thumping pattern of Bella's heartbeat, the rhythm slowly degrading.

I blink looking up at Jasper, "Her heartbeat it's becoming slower....."

The loud echo ceases abruptly.

" stopped."

Jasper and I glance at each other, I swallow nervously joining the family in the dining room.

"Is she awake?" I ask Alice.

She nods, "Edward took her hunting. They'll be back soon."

I walk over to Rose, "Here take her."


Jasper wraps his arm around my waist, my hands twitching in excitement to see my sister again.

I hear Bella and Edward walk into the house heading into the living room where the family had convened.

I stare at her, vampirism changing her appearance completely.

"Welcome to the family," Esme greets with a bright smile.

Alice bounces on her toes, "You look amazing, Bella."

"Someone's been waiting to meet you."

Edward nods, "Rose."

Rose swiftly turns to face them, Renesmee tucked in her arms.

Gently, she hands Renesmee over to Bella who looks down in awe. Her little hand raising up to Bella's cheek showing her some memories.

Evolving Immortality ⚜️ Jasper Hale [2]Where stories live. Discover now