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Roxy's PoV

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Roxy's PoV

I stand nervously in front of the mirror staring at my figure wrapped in a gorgeous white dress with lace embellishments.

"Roxy," I hear the soft voice of Bella from behind me, "Ready?"

I exhale sharply turning to face her, "Ready as I'll ever be."

She smiles brightly holding out a bouquet of lillies, "Jasper's a very lucky man to have you as his bride."

"I'm lucky to have him," I smile stepping forward letting her guide me out of the room onto the landing, "He's my everything."

Bella grins as we approach my mother standing looking radiant next to Charlie.

"Mum!" I gasp, "What are you doing here?"

"Bella called, said you decided to get married to Jasper last minute," She reaches out for my hand, "I know we were meant to be away for another day or so, but I couldn't miss this. It's not everyday your daughter marries her vampire lover."

My eyes widen looking over at Charlie, "Mum-"

"It's okay," She reassures, "I told Charlie everything with Bella's blessing."

Bella nods, "I felt that after what happened with the Volturi, I needed to tell Dad the truth."

"How are you dealing with this new revelation, Charlie?" I ask softly.

He shrugs, "Weird. Confused. But strangely happy, it all makes sense given how odd things that have occurred the last year or so."

"You're okay, with Bella and I being vampires?"

"I'm getting there, you mother has been helping me through it," He smiles pressing his lips to mum's cheek.

Mum blushes with a smile, "Let's talk more about vampires later, you're gonna be late to your wedding if we don't walk you down the aisle."

I grin brightly looping one arm with my mother's and the other with Charlie's. The two gently leading me out into the back garden where everyone was waiting patiently for me.

Bella quickly goes and takes her seat nodding to Alice who gestures for the music to start playing.

"Don't let me fall," I whisper.

"Never," They reply in sync.


"We are gathered here this winter afternoon to celebrate the union of Roxanne Carter and Jasper Whitlock Hale," Eleazer gestures to us, "If you can face each other."

I step to the side pushing my dress round reaching out for Jasper's hands.

He tightly holds onto them staring lovingly in my eyes.

"Do you Jasper take Roxanne to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Jasper nods, "Yes, I do."

"Do you Roxanne take Jasper to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do, always."

Jasper then places a ring on my finger, while I copy his actions placing one on his.

"I present, Mr and Mrs Hale," Eleazer introduces to our family, "Jasper, you may kiss your bride."

I smile like a maniac as he presses his lips to mine feeling the sparks fly between us. I shake my arms around his neck wiggling my fingers causing the powdered snow to float in the air around us. The candles illuminating the darkening scenery.

I pull away resting my forehead against his, "I love you, Jazz."

"I love you too, Anna."


I sit contently in my bridal dress watching my family dance together. A mixture of werewolves, vampires and humans alike.

"Immortality....." I smile to myself, "....Such a strong word."

Jasper smiles entwining his hand with mine.

"When in reality it's just an evolving game," I lean my head onto Jasper's shoulder, "An evolving story......an evolving love.....our Evolving Immortality."



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