Family Reunion

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Marissa Jackson sat on the beach, running her fingers through the sand as she thought about what she had just found out. Annabeth Chase, the closest thing she had to a mother, was dead. Annabeth had taught Marissa so much, showing her how to use her powers and even how to use a sword. They had quickly discovered that Marissa was a skilled swords-woman, but no sword seemed to fit her. They were either too heavy, too light, too short, or too long. The problem had resulted in them going to Leo to ask if he would craft her a sword. Many failed flirtations later, also many kicks to Leo's face, and Marissa had a sword. Although Leo had crafted this sword to fit Marissa exactly, the sword still seemed to be somehow wrong. Still, it would work for Marissa.

Her first fight with that sword had been against Annabeth, the winner was Annabeth of course, and later on Annabeth had taught her how to use her powers and sword to do combination moves. Soon, Annabeth was the only one who could beat Marissa in a fair fight. She never said it, but Marissa could always see how Annabeth looked at her, as if Marissa was her daughter. Marissa was ninety percent positive that Annabeth saw her as hers and Percy's child.

They had had fights of course, some famous throughout camp, but they always made up after awhile. Marissa always felt bad after their fights, often being the first to apologize. And now, now she was gone forever.

Marissa was still sitting by the lake when she heard the bushes rustling behind her, the sound almost too quiet to hear. She slowly reached to her pocket, pulling out the keychain that she could will into her sword. After a quick thought, her sword sprang into its full three feet long glory, the blade glowing soft golden color. Quicker than thought, Marissa whipped around and sliced through the bush to scare her attacker out, but something strange happened instead. Her blade stopped midway through cutting the bush in two, not budging no matter how hard she pushed.

Grunting, Marissa leaned her whole body weight into the sword, planning to suddenly pull it back so that who ever was near it would be cut, but the blade was suddenly pushed out of the bush, sending her flying backwards.

"Careful, someone could get hurt."

Marissa looked up to see who had talked, finding herself looking at the man who had brought Annabeth in, except now he wasn't wearing anything to cover his face. And he looked almost exactly like her.
Nick di Angelo sighed in frustration, imagining putting his hands around Leo's throat and strangling him. Leo had just asked another question, bringing his total up to thirty three questions in the last ten minutes, it was a surprise he still had enough breath to talk.

"So, if you are all immortal, does that mean that if I took a chainsaw and cut off your head, you'd live?" Leo asked excitedly, fingering the tool-belt that he had recently modified to fit items as large as a chainsaw. Foreseeing a potential disaster, Piper stepped between Leo and the closest Horseman, that's what they had introduced themselves as, placing a calming hand on Leo's shoulders.

"Leo, you need to calm down. If you keep asking questions like this, you won't have enough energy to play any pranks later," Piper spoke soothingly, weaving Charmspeak through her words so that Leo had no choice, although it also made Nico want to calm down so he could pull a prank later. Shaking his head, Nico got up and moved towards the door, muttering something about fresh air as he pushed through the door and onto the porch. As he stood looking out over the camp, his thoughts wandered to Marissa.

The first time he had seen her, he had honestly thought that she was Percy. They had the same eyes, same hair (different lengths though), same habits, even the same level of stupidity. It was almost as if Percy had gone and turned himself into a girl!

She had come marching up the hill, those green eyes of hers filled with determination, a dagger hung at her belt and a trail of water followed her up the hill. She had entered the camp borders without difficulty, only registering a slight ripple and a content growl from Peleus, before marching straight down the hill and towards the Big House. When she reached the porch, she planted her feet, took a deep breath, and screamed with all her might, "Perseus Jackson, get down here now!" before crossing her arms and glaring at the door.

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