A Story

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Infernus padded up to the sleeping mans bed, nimbly leaping onto the covers next to the man. Chaos had sent the man fireproof, well fireproof everything, when she had seen who had chosen Infernus as a companion.
The wolf curled up near the feet of the man, looking almost like a dog. He would sleep there, spurning the offered bed on the floor.
The sun rose the next morning to shine on Infernus, who had risen early of greet the sun. He stood at the end of the mans bed, guarding his new friend, and he was the first thing the man saw when he awoke. Of course, this was at 5 in the morning so the man was slightly confused as to when he had gotten a wolf who happened to be on fire, and where he was. But all dreams are wiped away as we awake, and soon he remembered.
'Good morning Percy, I believe that this is the last day that Chaos has given you to get to know your friends. Tomorrow, training starts,' Infernus said with a, well, wolfish grin. Percy groaned as he dragged himself to the shower, easily turning it on without touching the tap. He slipped into the shower and started his day.
Like every other day, the Horsemen were meeting on the field outside of the castle, where they would spend the day either talking or sparring. Today, however, held a new adventure.
Percy was beat to the field by Janette, who was always up before dawn. They had become friends over the past days, in fact he was the only one who she talked to for longer than a minute at a time. Percy had come to realize that Janette was a little shy.
Percy jogged towards the waiting girl, noticing that Lightfoot was curled in her hair as always. Infernus was loping along beside Percy, keeping pace with the jogging boy. They reached the waiting girl at the same time, Percy skidding to a stop so be didn't run her over. Even with this precaution he still had to think fast so that he didn't bump her. He reached out and grabbed her by the waist, lifting her with ease with at he was carrying her, and lifting her out of harms way.
He set her down after he came to a complete stop, apologizing. She just ducked her head, trying to hide the blush that had appeared, and mumbled something about not having to worry about it. Percy was about to continue to apologize, but he heard a familiar chuckle behind him. He turned to find Infernus chuckling to himself, not seeming to care that Percy was looking at him like he was insane.
'Something funny?' Percy asked his friend.
'Ah, it's nothing that I can tell you, you will find out soon enough,' he said with another chuckle before moving to curl around Percy's feet and promptly fall asleep.
"Why was he laughing?" Janette asked from behind him, surprising him so much that he jumped and whirled around.
He calmed when he realized that he had just forgotten that Janette was there as well, "Im not entirely sure, he only said that I would find out soon enough," Percy said with a grimace, causing Janette to smile.
Before they could continue talking, Allis appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
"Good morning," she said in her usual dark way.
Percy, who had come to realize that she was jut always dark, smiled at the girl. "Good morning to you," he said as he saw that she kept glancing around, almost as if looking for someone.
"We're are still missing one," she said, looking towards the castle as if Carter would be walking towards them at that moment. Of course, Carter decided on a more dramatic entrance.
As the three looked towards the castle, two falcons swooped down. They both landed silently, gliding down towards the unsuspecting Horsemen. One with silver wings landed on a tree, but the other landed right behind Allis. Then he started to change.
After a few moments, Carter stood where the bird had been. He cleared his throat, causing the three Horsemen to jump in surprise, although he regretted it a moment later when Allis whipped around and put a knife to his throat.
"Ok ok, sorry. It was just a joke," he pleaded with the Allis, who looked as if she was debating whether she should slit his throat of not. Eventually she lowered her knife, but she still glared at the poor Pharaoh.
"What are we doing today?" Percy asked, mainly to diffuse the tension.
"I thought that we might share out stories, after all, we are suppose to trust each other," Janette suggested timidly. She looked to Percy, who smiled encouragingly at her, before turning to the others to see of they approved.
"I guess I'll go first," Carter stepped forward, looking weary, "first thing you should know about me, I was the host to a powerful god, Horus. I was an Egyptian magician, who was taught the path of the gods so that I could host the spirit of Horus. We fought an evil god known as Set, the god of chaos, who had possessed my uncle. My sister and I beat him, but we have up the spirits of Horus and Isis. We returned to Brooklyn where we were the heads of the twenty first nome, which is what the areas of the Egyptian house of life were called. Eventually we had another enemy, his name was Apophis. While Set was the god of chaos, Apophis was chaos personified. It took us a Lon time to defeat him, and at the end it cost us the gods. They had to withdraw, and that meant our father, who was the host of Osiris, had to leave as well. Everything looked to be done, but we had another threat coming, one from within. I had been crowned the Pharaoh, and I thought everyone was happy with the decision, but there are always those who do not want a child in power. The rebellion was headed by a man named Jacques Gateau, who was the head of the London nome. He gathered followers, bribing and threatening many, until he was ready to challenge me. They came in the night, but we had caught wind that they were coming. My girlfriend, Zia, my sister, Sadie, and I were all waiting for them," he paused and glanced up at the sky, almost as if he was steeling himself for what was to come, "They attacked in three waves. The first was their weakest, we easily defeated them, then came the second. The second was strong, but they did not want to be there. Most surrendered, those that didn't were captured and transported to the first nome, Egypt, to he held by the chief lector, my uncle Amos. We had a brief rest between the second and third wave, but we knew that the third wave would be the most powerful, and we had to he ready. When they came, they brought an ancient relic with them. It was a bracelet that made the wearer almost invincible, and Jacques was wearing it. The first to fight him was Sadie, one of the most powerful magicians in our history. She was winning, even with the bracelet Jacques was losing to my sister, but we forgot that Jacques was a snake, he fought dirty. My sister offered him mercy, and he took it, but when she turned her back he took a Khopesh, and drove it through her heart. She died in my arms," he paused again, this time turning away to wipe a tear from his eye, "Then Zia went to fight. I begged her to let me, that she needed to be safe, but she was strong willed and didn't want to see me hurt. She went against Jacques, and this time the bracelet helped. Zia was powerful, almost as powerful as my sister, but she was no match for the bracelet. He drowned her, making me watch as he did. Then, it was my turn to fight," Percy could see the anger in his eyes, almost as if he was still fighting the man, "I had already lot two people that I loved, and I was mad. He made the mistake of thinking that he had broken me. He taunted me, spit at me, and reminded me of how they had died. Eventually I lost it, and I went insane. I don't remember what exactly happened, but I remember a red haze, almost as if everything had been draped in red curtains. When my sight cleared, Jacques lay bloody on the ground, and I was laying in a pool of blood. It was mostly mine, but some of it was theirs. That was when I decided to leave, if I didn't have Sadie and Zia, then I didn't want to be a magician anymore. I left and wondered for a few months, fighting demons when they tried to kill me, eventually Chaos found me. You know the rest," he said as he finally looked up, surprised to find that they had somehow made their way to a picnic bench that Chaos had up out for them. He looked to the others, expecting disgust at how easily he lost control, instead he saw understanding in Percy's eyes, sympathy in Janette's, and something he couldn't really identify in Allis's. he blinked in surprise, and then a second later he was enfolded in a hug. He looked down in surprise to see Janette clinging to him, weeping silently. He patted her back, hearing her muttering something about how sorry she was for him. He glanced at Percy, who shrugged with an amused going in his eye, before gently die having himself from Janette.
"Ok, who's next?" he asked, not expecting the person who came forward to do so.

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