Death of a Demigod Birth of a Horsemen

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"I believe that it's your turn,"

"I suppose it is," Percy said with a sigh. "First thing you should know is that my people are similar to Carter's and Allis's, except one difference. We don't follow the gods, they're our parents. My name is Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. My dad is the Greek god of the sea, which means I have a lot of water powers," he said with a grin. The other were, of course, gaping in awe at him, "I am not full god though, my mother is, or rather, was human," Percy grimaced in grief.

"What happened?" Janette asked.

"She died, but that's later on in the story. First I have to tell you about the wars. There were two wars, and I was in both. The first was against my grandfather, a Titan names Kronos. Titans are similar to gods, except they are twice as powerful. They ruled the earth before the gods usurped them, allowing a new age to begin. However, the king of the Titans was not happy, he had been beaten by his own son. So, he planned revenge. Over the the thousands of years that followed, Kronos sowed discord into the world of man from his prison in the pit. The Pit, or Tartarus is the worst place in the world. Set in the underworld it holds the worst criminals to live, but these aren't humans. It is also the birthplace and home of monsters, creatures in many firms that only want to kill and eat my kind. Kronos was banished to the pit when he was defeated, and it took him many years to rise again. I went on many quests over the years, but the important facts are that I saves the world a few times, and my best friends helped a lot. One, her name is Annabeth, was my closest friend. We had done so much together, and after the war with Kronos we started to date," Percy was so busy with his story that he didn't notice Janette's look of disappointment, "we dates for a few months, and then I was kidnapped by Hera. Hera is the queen of Olympus, and she came up with a plan to save us from the next war. When Kronos was defeated, we started to wake his mother, Gaea. Gaea is not just the mother of Kronos, she is the Earth itself. A Primordial, Gaea was a powerful being who made up the entire Earth, and her mothers name is Chaos," the others gaped in surprise, imagining just how powerful Gaea must have been, "the war was long, and very bloody. It began with my cousin, Jason, who's a demigod from the Roman form of Zeus, switching places with me. I went to his camp and he went to mine, and we both lost our memories. We went on speedster quests, his to free Hera and mine to free Death, before finally meeting aboard a ship built by a demigod named Leo. We set sail with five other demigods: Leo, Piper, Hazel, Frank, and Annabeth. Our quest was to defeat Gaea an somehow save the world, we almost failed many times. The worst was when Annabeth and I fell into Tartarus, and we had to survive in the worst place on Earth. We almost didn't, but we made it out. We met up with our friends again, an then we went to war. We traveled to Greece, where Gaea was getting ready to wake up. The Titans are the children of Gaea and Uranus, while the Giants are the children of Gaea and Tartarus, the spirit of the pit. We had already defeated the Titans, now it was time to fight the Giants. The only problem, the Giants can only be killed by a god and a demigod together. The gods refused to help until the end, after we had nearly died a thousand times. Finally, the end came at the base of the original Olympus," Percy sighed in sadness, steeling himself for what was to come, "the battle was long, and we were alone. We fought the Giants in a lost battle. At the last second, the gods arrived. My father and I stood together, battling the Giant Polybotes. It did not take long to defeat him, but then the challenge started. My father and I took on the king of the Giants. We almost lost, but he does with my sword in his chest, and my fathers trident in his throat. We thought that was the end of the war, we thought we had won, we didn't notice that two of ours had been killed. Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto, and Frank Zhang, son of Mars were lying side by side, one with an arrow through the throat, and the other with a hellhounds claw broken off in their heart. Their blood did the trick, Gaea was rising," Percy stopped a second, letting the years drip down. He had been so strong about Hazels and Franks deaths, but everyone broke eventually, "Gaea rose fully, and her presence almost burnt the demigods to a crisp. She was angry, we had killed both of her sons, and now she wanted our blood. She came for me first, she us always had a strange interest in me. She attacked with power that I have never seen, until Chaos put her finger on my forehead. The only reason in standing here is my uncle. Hades was always sour, but underneath it he had the heart of a hero. He pushed me away, taking the brunt of the attack, nearly fading. That got me angry, she had almost killed my family. When I get angry, I get powerful. I am a son of the sea, and the sea can cut through the Earth. I let loose almost all of my power, coming close to evaporating myself in the process. The sea is inside of me, I was once told that. I let that loose, and I cut straight through Gaea. She may be powerful, but she is a force of nature, an all forces of nature can meet something that can destroy them. Beaten, weak, and still tired, Gaea fell back into sleep, and I fell into a coma. I was in a coma for three weeks, and when I woke I found a saved world. I never wanted the credit, so I let another demigod take the credit, letting him be the hero. He was the one who destroyed me. The campers few distant, blaming me for things I did not do. Then only person still had was Annabeth, my net friend and girlfriend. Then one day, I went to find her when she was late for a date. I walked in on her and the demigod I have the credit to kissing, and I had had enough. I left. I wish that was the end it wasn't though. As soon as I left Chaos came to me, but originally she did not come until later, after I went through a new hell. A few days after I left, my father came to me. He told me of how my mother missed me. He said that I should go to her, so I did. She greeted me with love, and we spent the day together. Then came night, and the attack. I group of monsters attacked, and slaughtered my mother. My father found out and came to me, he told me it was my fault, that I had killed her. He disowned me, and took my status as a child of his. I lasted ten more days before Chaos found me, an then I was saved," Percy smiled sadly, thinking back in his pat had hurt a lot.

"I know you have lost a lot, and so have we. I think that's why Chaos chose us, so we can help each other," Carter said thoughtfully.

"I am no longer a child of Poseidon, but I will be a Horsemen of Chaos," Percy said with determination, "Will you join me?"

"Always," the other three chorused.

"Then it is time to forget the past, and make a new future, with a new family,"

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