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Percy opened his eyes, having had to close them when he had entered the strange black hole. What he saw was so impossible, so strange, that he almost thought he was dreaming. He was in space!
He stood in the middle of a field that stretched for miles, and was empty except for a castle that loomed near the edge. The castle was both terrifying, and amazing. It was made of a black stone that seemed to make it hard to look at. It was massive, probably taking up the same amount of land as four or five cities. It had five towers, four at each corner and one in the center, and a moat that was filled with a black inky looking liquid.
While Percy was staring at the castle in awe, Chaos manifested behind him. Unlike the gods and Titans of Earth, she didn't make a sound as she appeared. She saw Percy looking at the moat in confusion, probably wondering what the liquid was.
"That's Midium, a weapon I developed. It attaches to an intruder and slowly sinks into their skin, driving the intruder mad," chaos placed a hand on Percy's shoulder and drew him away while saying, "Come, the others are waiting inside". with a small use of her powers, they were suddenly standing in front of the doors. With a push, they opened.
Chaos walked with Percy down the halls, playing your guide to the castles newest inhabitant. They covered most of the castle, and because of the laws devised by Chaos it only took five minutes instead of the weeks it generally would have taken. Finally they reached the throne room/office.
Chaos stepped through first, leading Percy into the room that she did most of her work in. Instead of a throne, a few comfy chairs sat waiting for people to sit in. The door opened again as Percy and Chaos took their seats, letting in another Chaos and a girl.
"Thank you, please take a seat," the girl moved towards the chair next to Percy, staring at the other Chaos as she did so. Of course, Percy was staring too, and the both got a surprise when the Chaos that had lead the girl in just melted into the other Chaos.
"Quite disconcerting, I'm sorry I didn't warn you. The other two should be here soon, but in the meantime you two should get acquainted," she gestured between the girl and Percy, the former giving a jump of surprise at finding someone else in the room. She looked at Percy warily, obviously unsure about him.
Percy felt bad for her, so he offered his hand saying, "Hi, I'm Percy, don't suppose you know what we,re doing here?" he saw her smile quickly, before shaking her head.
"Shame, did she just randomly pull you through the weird black hole too?" He asked as he turned his chair to face her. She gave him another smile, nodding again.
"Do you know who else is coming?" This time she shook her head. They lapsed into silence, Percy no longer had an idea what to say. He took the time to study here, seeing that she really was beautiful. It was obvious that she had asian roots, probably Chinese. She had beautiful black eyes, that seemed to shine with a hidden vitality. Her hair was long, but it curled so it seemed to be shorter, she was probably around 5 foot 5. Percy hadn't realized that he was string so openly, so when she turned to him he quickly snapped away, blushing red in embarrassment.
"My names Janette by the way," she gave him another smile. Percy smiled back and nodded, silently marveling at how beautiful her voice was. He was about to say a joke, when another black hole opened, this time letting out a boy around Percy's age, and another Chaos.
"Hello Carter, you can sit over there if you want," Chaos told the boy. The minute Percy heard the voice, his head snapped up. It took him a second to recognize the boy that he had met so long ago, the one who's name was painted on his palm in a hieroglyph. Percy slowly stood as carter walked over, moving to stand next to Janette's chair, he didn't know why but she made him feel calmer.
"Hello Carter, its been awhile," he said to the approaching boy, who had his head down as if he was thinking. He snapped his head up, staring in awe at Percy.
"Percy! Why are you here, in fact, why am I here?" he asked, turning to Chaos for answers.
"I will tell you, but first the last one must arrive," she answered, turning to wait once more.
Carter sat down and smile at Janette, but she seemed slightly scared so she moved closer to Percy. He smiled at her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. She stared at the hand like she had no idea what to do about it. Percy was about to take it off, assuming that she didn't like it, but before he could she grabbed his had and held it saying, Im sorry, its just that no one has touched me for a long time, I was surprised." Percy was struck again by how beautiful her voice was, finding himself slightly breathless. He smiled at her, nodding his understanding before she let go of his hand.
"Well, isn't this cozy," a voice sounded from a corner at the far back of the room, causing everyone but Chaos to jump in surprise. They turned to see a girl stepping out of the shadows, and yet she still seemed to be draped in darkness.
"Ah, Allis, its good to see you. Please come take a seat and I will explain everything," Chaos sad as she motioned towards a chair, which Allis ignored.
"It's time, time to form my Horsemen," Chaos said with an excited grin.

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