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Three weeks passed, and the four Horsemen grew closer every day. They trained constantly, testing each other and helping each other grow stronger. Soon Chaos knew that these warriors would be unstoppable, and they would finally be ready to fight the threat she had created them for.

One day Chaos decided that they needed a test, so she found a planet at war. The planet was named Otulp, and it was at war with the planet next to it named Enutpen. The Enutpenians were an ancient race of proud warriors who oftentimes were at peace with their neighbors, however, the Otulpians had recently stolen a precious artifact from the Enutpenians. They had declared war on the Otulpians after they had refused to return the artifact. The war had gone on for many years, and now Chaos felt that it needed to be stopped. She would send the Horsemen, but first, there was some things she needed to tell them.

The first Horsemen she got was Percy, who had been training in the gym. He was going through the obstacle course for the fifth time, and Chaos had to tell him to take a shower before going to her office.

The second horsemen she found was Carter, who was practicing his swordplay in his room. He told Chaos that he would be at her office as soon as he could.

The third she found was Janette, who was sitting in the gathering room, causing a candle to go out, and then light back up. She just nodded when Chaos told her to go to her office as soon as she could.

Allis was the hardest to find; she often went missing for days on end. Chaos found her meditating on the roof, sitting on a cushion made of fire. Chaos told her about the meeting, and then she transported them both to her office, where Percy sat waiting. The three beings sat, waiting for their two friends to come in. When Janette and Carter finally got there, Chaos stood to speak.

"My Horsemen, for the past few weeks you have grown stronger and have passed beyond your original potential. However, I need to see just how you work together, so I have a mission for you. Near the edge of the solar system next to yours, there are two planets at war. The Enutpenians have gone to war with the Otulpians over an artifact stolen by the latter. I need you to go and end the war, by bringing the artifact back to the Enutpenians. Before you go, there are some things I must tell you about yourselves. First, you are immortal now. You will never die, and every injury will heal. Second, the first time you died, so to speak, I took you to the pool of beginnings in my palace and bathed you in it. The pool gave you immortality, but it also had a second gift for each of you. You were recreated in the pool, and it used one of the four elements to create you. This means that you are all part of your element, and you have powers over said element. Percy, the pool saw your fathers domain and made you of water. Carter, the pool saw your association with Zia and made you of fire. Allis, the pool saw the path of Hel in you and made you of earth. Janette, the pool saw the storm that killed your father and made you of air. These are your elements, they are part of you. You will have to discover your powers for yourself, but I believe that Percy already knows many of his. If you need help I would recommend talking to your companions, who are wiser than they seem. However, it is time for you to depart. Go, and bring peace to a warring people," Chaos said as she teleported the four dumbfounded warriors to the planet Enutpen.

"Well, this should be fun," Percy muttered.


The Horsemen made camp in a field next to a destroyed town, finding a gum packet with a note from Chaos that read,

Dear Horsemen,

This is a device invented by the followers of the Greek goddess Artemis, I made some minor changes though. To activate just say the word "Luke" to deactivate just say "Sadie". I am sorry for the words, I needed two that you would always remember.

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