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Nhoj and the Horsemen crawled towards the enemies camp, seeming to travel over the land like they were ghosts.

They had decided to try to get Ailuj back without involving the Enutpenians, deciding that they didn't need the problems that came with interacting with an army.

Percy and Carter were in the lead, a few feet in front of Nhoj and the girls. Janette and Allis had volunteered to guard their backs, watching to make sure nobody snuck up on them.

Percy crawled forward a little faster to reach the gate that surrounded the Otulpian camp, peeking through to see the army running around to complete all of the little things needed to keep an army camp running.

After memorizing every detail about the camp, Percy crawled back to his friends to report back. "Their command tent is set in the middle of a large open space at the center if the camp. It's got two tents on either side that seem to be for officers, although they look like they're empty. The majority of the army seem to be at what looks like a show, while a few are still working. I think we should cause a distraction to draw the army away from the command tent, then Nhoj can sneak into the command tent and see if he can find any clues about where Ailuj is. How's that sound?"

"It sounds good, but why don't I go with Nhoj to look, two eyes are better than one," Carter said, grinning when Percy nodded. "Looks like its gonna be me and you, buddy," Carter said as he nudged Nhoj, who just nodded solemnly.

Janette grinned before saying, "Lighten up Nhoj, he may be an idiot, but Carter is one of the toughest guys I know."

Percy instantly gasped in pain, "You mean I'm not the toughest guy you know? That hurts Janette," he said as he clasped his chest is mock pain. Carter, Allis, and Janette giggled as Percy moaned and groaned like he was dying, putting their fists in their mouths to keep themselves from laughing to loud.

"I still can believe you're all as old as the universe, you act like you're three!" Nhoj exclaimed, starting to rethink his belief that these four could save his Ailuj.

Percy turned to the guard and grinned. "We may be as old as the universe, but we are forever at the age of teenagers, which means that we are filled with immaturity."

Suddenly, Carter turned dead serious, "Now then, shall we get down to business?" He said, prompting the other four to jump straight into warrior mode.

"Percy will take the North area, cause a huge disturbance," Percy gave a nod of acceptance, grinning like a maniac, "Allis will take the east, try to get at least a third to come to you," Allis nodded like a true soldier, "That leaves the west to me, and the south to Nhoj and Carter when they get out," Janette finished, already slipping her sword out of its sheath. All four of the Horsemen pulled their new staffs out of the homemade cases they had made right before leaving their campsite.

"By the way, do you know what these are called?" Percy asked Nhoj curiously, holding his staff towards the soldier.

Nhoj looked at it for a minute before saying, "Yours is a Retaw," he then picked up Janette's and said, This is called a Dniw," he moved on tho Carter's, "This is called a Amgam," finally he went to Allis's, "This one is a Kcor, they are the weapons of the elite warriors of my home. The Otulpians stole many of them when they took our princess, it seems you found four of them."

Percy swirled his around his body quickly before grinning and saying, "Well then, off to have some fun. See you guys in a bit," before turning and ghosting off towards the Northern area.

"See you guys in a bit," Janette said to Allis and Carter, giving Nhoj a nod, before sprinting towards her section.

"Come on Nhoj, lets go and get ready," Carter said after saying goodbye to Allis , pulling Nhoj behind him on their way to the south gate.

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